
Consequences Of Johnny Got The Gun And Johnny Got His Gun

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Throughout time we have gone through many wars, and with these wars come death and destruction. Most people aren’t actually the ones fighting in wars but we are able to explore the world of war through novels and films. One classic novel it Johnny Got His Gun, by Dalton Trumbo, this novel follows young Joe Bonham as he goes to fight in World War I, only to end up severely injured and stuck in a hospital bed. Likewise in the 1965 American Civil war movie, Shenandoah the Anderson family wants no part in the war but are forced into it when their youngest son, Boy, is taken. Boy is forced to fight in the war, at the age of 16, and he has to face consequences from the war. Although Joe and Boy both experience very different life changing events …show more content…

Joe wants people to see what war does to you and how it isn’t as great as everyone says it is. Joe chose to go to war because he wanted to be this great human and he ended up paying the price by losing half his body and not being able to communicate with others.
On top of that, not only does Joe face physical consequences from the war, but Joe also suffers mentally from the war. In the explosion Joe not only loses his arms and legs but he also loses his sight, hearing, and throat. This leaves Joe with difficulties communicating and unable to move himself. Joe has no one to keep him company as he lays in bed day after day, not even knowing when it is day or when it is night. Joe struggles with this mentally and this leads him to go into a mentally unstable state.Joe has to overcome these obstacles of not being able to tell time and not being able to communicate, but this takes time and in the meantime Joe starts to suffer mentally. Joe ends up spiralling into a dark hole where he gives up on hopes of life and he wishes that someone would come and kill him. Not only is Joe suffering mentally because of his isolation but throughout the war he has seen a lot of gruesome deaths and treatments of bodies after the person is killed. All of the images he saw during the war as people were killed and left for animals take a toll on someone's mental state. Unlike most people Joe isn’t able

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