
Complementary Therapies

Good Essays

Lucy Renwick
Complimentary Therapies
P1, P2, P3, P4, M1, M2, D1

P3 - Explain the principles and practices for complementary therapies
M1 Discuss complementary therapies that are available for users of health and social care services

Acupuncture comes from Latin origin as is a Chinese form of medicinal treatment in which many, many tiny needles are inserted into various parts of the skin. Particular places of the body, referred to as energy lines are targeted in order to relieve pain. Acupuncture also claims to cure disease and help treat the symptoms of the following conditions: allergies, respiratory conditions, nervous conditions and disorders associated with the eyes, nose and throat. In addition to this it has …show more content…

Professionals say there are many side effects of herbal medicine however there are some alleged purposes: It can be used to treat migraines, eczema, migraines and chronic fatigue.
Massage is the motion of using friction and pressure to elevate both mental and physical health issues. Conventionally people use it to relax their body and mind but when used as complimentary therapy it has many other uses, these are improving blood and lymphatic circulation, improve tissue permeability, improve micro circulation, stretch muscles and tissue, reduce scar tissue, reduce stress, help you to relax and improve self-esteem.
Hydrotherapy is therapy using water. This can be hot, cold warm or even ice. The temperature of the water effects the therapeutic properties of the treatment, for example, hot or warm water is more relaxing, stimulating the immune system and reducing stress. Cold water is used to treat burns and smooth muscle pains and soreness. Steam is used along with herbs and oils to sooth respiratory problems and treat mild illness (colds). Movements in open water (swimming pools) are used to treat issues such as arthritis and is used in rehabilitation.
Chiropractic therapy involves a chiropractor who manipulates your limbs other body parts focusing on joints (many in the spinal column (vertebrates in the back and neck)) the typical chiropractic therapy is known for causing the cracking sound and treats disorders

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