
Comparing 'Candide And The Pursuit Of Happyness'

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The book and film that I have decided to compare are “Candide” written by Voltaire and The Pursuit of Happyness, whose screenplay was done by Steven Conrad. The main characters in both The Pursuit of Happyness and “Candide” have a very optimistic view of the world and are searching for their own ideas of true happiness but they both go about it in two very different ways. By the end of the book and film each character learns what it takes for them to reach their own version of the pursuit of happiness. Although each character finds happiness in their own way their main goals of finding out how to live a truly happy life are the same. In “Candide” and the Pursuit of Happyness, the main characters, Candide and Chris, both have a very optimistic …show more content…

In “Candide,” Candide states “’There is no effect without a cause,’ replied Candide modestly. ‘All things are necessarily connected and arranged for the best. I had to be driven away from Lady Cunegonde, I had to run the gauntlet, and I have to beg my bread until I can earn it; all that could not have been otherwise” (Voltaire Pg.22). You can see that although Candide had to go through many hardships in such little time he still hasn’t given up on life. He could’ve dropped everything and said its not worth it but instead he’s still going and trying to make his life better. He believes that in order to reach the idea of happiness he has to go through some misfortune and that’s what’s pushing him to keep going. If you don’t continue pushing though the hard times in life then you’re never going to experience the greatness of life. Just like Candide, Chris too is very optimistic, although his optimism can be shown in a more humorous way throughout the film. Martin Frohm: “What would you say if a man walked in here with no shirt, and I hired him? What would you say?” Chris Gardner: “He must have had on …show more content…

The character Candide tries to find his happiness through the materialistic things in the world because he believes that that’s what's going to make him happy, ”The first day of their journey was rather pleasant. They were heartened by the thought that they now possessed more treasure than all of Asia, Europe and Africa could assemble” (Voltaire Pg.67). Candide thinks that if he has lots of money then somehow his life will be so much better altogether, but Candide realizes that money is something that can go away just as fast as it came. Just because money can buy you a lot of things its not going to necessarily make your life a happier one. Money is something that can bring you joy but it isn’t going to bring your true happiness. Joy is one of those things that’s there for a little bit but it can be taken away very easily, true happiness on the other hand is something that stays with you. While Candide looks to materialistic things for happiness Chris uses the motivation to be a good father to his son to find his own happiness. Christopher Gardner: “You gotta trust me, all right?” Christopher: “I trust you.” Christopher Gardner: “Cause I’m getting a better job” (Conrad, The Pursuit of Happyness). Gardner will do anything to make his son happy and to give his son the life that he deserves. In this case in order to give his

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