
Compare And Contrast O Brother Where Art Thou

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Compare/Contrast Paper “Tell me, o muse, of that ingenious hero who traveled far and wide after he had sacked the famous town of Troy”(11). This quote not only begins the novel The Odyssey by Homer, but also the movie O Brother, Where Art Thou. This is only one of the many similarities between these two pieces. The Odyssey is about the great war hero Odysseus’ twenty year troublesome attempt to reach his home. His long, painful journey to reach home after the ten year Trojan War is endured through temptations, peril, and literally hell. Odysseus’ story is very similar, yet very different to that of Ulysses Everett McGill in O Brother Where Art Thou. Ulysses is an escapee from prison and is on a mission to reach home to prevent his wife from …show more content…

To begin, The Odyssey and O Brother, Where Art Thou were similar throughout most of the general plot and many of the characters. One example of this was Odysseus keeping secrets from his crew in The Odyssey, and Ulysses in hiding his true motive for escaping prison from his friends Pete and Delmar. This not only shows the similarity in plot as the leaders do not include their followers in the most important decisions of their journeys, but also the similarity in characters. To continue, the theme that pride is both as strength and a weakness is shown in both the book and in the movie. In The Odyssey, Odysseus has an incredible amount of hubris for his strength, his name, and …show more content…

The motivation of Odysseus and Ulysses is extremely unlike one another. In The Odyssey, Odysseus is on a journey home to restore his fame among the people of Ithica so he is not forgotten, while Ulysses has received a letter from his wife stating that she is to get married. He breaks out of prison for his family, rather than for his fame. He says to Pete and Delmar himself that there was never any treasure, he only needed help to get home to his family. To Ulysses, family comes first, while Odysseus is in it for the fame and glory. Also, the two are different due to their characterization as Odysseus is a war hero, and Ulysses is a criminal. The two men are complete opposites and are very different in the ways they behave, act, and in their general lifestyles. Odysseus was raised to be a great hero, to be remembered, but Ulysses is just a simple criminal who really likes his hair products. Odysseus is even helped by gods and goddesses such as Athena as, “They threw spears as he bade them, but Athena made them all of no effect”(227). Ulysses has no help along his journey from others, he only faces struggles throughout his entire odyssey. While the most powerful force in The Odyssey, the gods, helps Odysseus thanks to his heroism, the most powerful force in O Brother, Where Art Thou, the police, is against

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