
College Pays Off

Better Essays

Tehya Harris
Ms. Milliner
September 26, 2016

It’s hard to think that at one point in a America college was but only a myth for the working class. It wasn’t needed. After high it was either the army or you get a job. But this AMerica is a very different one. Women can work, the draft is no longer and college is considered a necessity for survival. But with that said, controversy surrounds it. As the price of college increase and the “need” for it does the same people find more ways and reasons to avoid it. In the article, “Even for Cashiers College Pays Off” from The New York Times, it displays the media’s backlash on the ideology of college. Leonhardt writes, “ Television, newspapers, and blogs are filled with the case that …show more content…

Which main argument is the income gap. Going back to the article “Even Cashiers College Pays Off”, the author writes, “...the returns from a degree have soared. Three decades ago, full-time workers with a bachelor’s degree made 40 percent more than those with only a highschool diploma. Last year, the gap reached 83 percent. College graduates, though hardly immune from the downturn, are also far less likely to be unemployed than non-graduates.” This though not completely dismantles the the debt counter argument against it. When you make more money it will help with the college payments you will eventually pay off. But it’s not about money for all. Though it is a big part of being successful I found that money wasn’t always a driving force. In my interview with Omar Harris, my father, he revealed to me that college has other pay offs. “ I didn't want to go to college at first. But in that year that I took off I observed my friends grow in a way that I saw myself not doing. They were maturing and though they had those childish attitudes and personalities I remembered. They had a sense of urgency to them that I only saw in adults and I didn’t want to to miss out on that growth.” Sometimes the experience is a very rewarding part of college. Learning the politics and the responsibility that comes with the real world has helped him become successful in his …show more content…

College is an intimidating feat and I sometimes wonder if I can handle it and it’s aftermath. The tuition and student loan debt is a very daunting thought. Thinking about the fact there is no guarantee in the field that I want and the pay for the lifestyle in want to maintain is terrifying. But interviewing all these people and reading these articles have given me a slight sense of hope. While reading this article this quote showed significantly affected me. Leonhardt writes, “Then there are the skeptics themselves, the professors, journalists and other who says college is overrated. They, of course, have degrees and often spend tens of thousands of dollars sending their children to expensive colleges.”. This quote holds so much truth because the fact that they probably are making tons of money and they have gratifying jobs doing the thing they love all based on the fact that they went to college. If the they didn’t go they probably wouldn’t have a chance to persuade people not to. And the fact obvious and blatant fact that they would never say the same to their kin. So taking that into perspective really influenced my decision to lean towards

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