
Charles Frazier’s Novel has Differences in Contrast to Homer’s Epic

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A hero could not be without the support from his or her loved ones. Family supports the hero in their time of need, and motivates the hero to survive. Charles Frazier’s novel Cold Mountain has differences in contrast to Homer’s epic, The Odyssey. The works differ because the main characters have different family situations to go home to. Odysseus has a loving wife and son, while Inman does not know if the girl he loves will marry him. Even though the works can be proven different, Cold Mountain and The Odyssey can be compared. The works show how the main characters use basic essentials of life to help the characters return home. The characters’ strength to return home comes from food, help from others, and motivation. Life or death …show more content…

It was a powerful vision, and yet in his mind he saw himself hating every minute of it, his days poisoned by lonesome and longing” (220). Inman realizes he does not want to live alone. Inman knows the importance of people and he needs them to survive. The help from people motivates both Inman and Odysseus to continue their journey home and to not give up. After twenty long years away from his family, Odysseus still has motivation to return to Ithaca. Odysseus could have stayed with the princess of the Phaeacians, but instead he wants to go home to his family. Odysseus’ wife, Penelope and their son, Telemachus motivate Odysseus. Alkinoos offers Odysseus his daughter’s hand in marriage: “My daughter should be yours and you my son-in-law, if you remained. A home, lands, riches you should have from me if you could be content here” (Homer 120). Odysseus refuses the king’s offer: “O Father Zeus, let all this be fulfilled as spoken by Alkinoos! Earth of harvests remember him! Return me to my homeland” (120). Odysseus knows that his family has been waiting for him for years. The motivation to see his family and homeland help Odysseus win his battles and continue his journey home. Inman’s motivation to see Ada helps him to continue walking home, fighting through the excruciating pain of his wounds. Inman uses his motivation as strength because he knows it will help him. When Inman finally reaches Cold Mountain he refuses to eat anything until he sees

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