
Character Foils In A Tale Of Two Cities By Charles Dickens

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During the French Revolution the two social classes, nobles and the peasants, clashed with each other because the peasants felt treated unfairly by the nobles. Dickens tells a story of both sides of the Revolution and emphasizes the fact that both sides endured hardships. Charles Dickens in his novel A Tale of Two Cities gets readers to sympathize with both sides of the revolution through character foils, flashbacks, and the theme of suffering by portraying both sides as victims. In the novel Dickens introduces many characters to readers, and many of those characters contrast each other greatly, creating character foils. These contrasts highlight the differences of the characters and the part of society they represent. This allows readers …show more content…

Dickens says, “The shadow attendant on Madame Defarge and her party seemed then to fall, threatening and dark, on both the mother and the child.” (Dickens 277). This quote brings to life the darkness of Madame Defarge and how she affects the feeling of the rooms she enters. Although Dickens presents Madame Defarge in a terribly dark way, readers can understand why she acts the way she does because they know her background. Through the extreme differences between Lucie and Madame Defarge’s upbringings it is no shocker that they are extremely different. By seeing the large contrast in these characters readers are able to understand better why Madame Defarge is so cruel. Dickens uses foils not only to gain sympathy for the revolutionaries, but also for the upper class, including Charles Darnay. Charles Darnay is a noble man and he comes from a family of wealth, and has money himself; however, he uses his money and power completely different from his uncle Marquis Evremonde. Although these men are related they are complete opposites. Darnay shows compassion towards lower class members and even risks his own life to help a servant, Gabelle. Unlike Darnay, Marquis Evremonde treats those lower than him terribly. Dickens uses the foil of these two characters to show …show more content…

In the story it is clear that the peasants had valid motives to kill and be angry, but some nobles were unjustly persecuted. Dickens uses character foils, flashbacks, and the theme of suffering throughout the book to create an even balance of portraying both sides of the revolution as victims. This allows readers to sympathize with both sides of the revolution in the story, but also in the historical event. This book allows readers to see into the lives of characters who very likely could have been real people during the French Revolution, and that that there truly are two sides to every

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