
Character Development In Hasan Minhaj's Prom

Decent Essays

Character development is an interesting concept that Hasan Minhaj played with in his piece “Prom. He not only used physically his character, but also the environment and symbols around to better strengthen and break bonds between people. The easiest way to see some of this is through the characters interactions with others. When we look at Hasan’s actions, we can see he not only wants to just be white, but he wants to fit in with the community. As he states “I want to be white… I want this part of me to look like the rest of me.” This is due to the fact that his family is not native of America. Growing up in a time of worry and doubt between interracial relationship, he would not only love to fit in, but be accepted and loved by another. This “another” is Bethany Reed. Now, Bethany Reed is not the nicest person as you listen to his story. Yes, she starts all nice, but by the end, she seems much more “Daisy” than Gatsby,” if you get what I mean. She leads Hasan on by asking him to prom, and then, seemingly “forgets” to tell him that his parents don’t want her to go to prom with him. After which, she asks him to not say what actually happened to their class. Now, if Bethany truly liked Hasan as he is led to believe, she would have accept what had happened, formally …show more content…

Manhaj uses character development in a way to let the world know the deeper problem. Yes, at the end of the piece, it’s about forgiveness, because it wasn’t Bethany’s fault, but rather the parents. However, if you look close, you see that he hides this clues that his life was torn down due to racism. He pushes and pushes to get the same treatment, the same reward (Bethany) that everyone should be allowed, but it’s her own parents that take that reward from him. He’s telling us we shouldn’t act out our parent’s lives, but rather our own, as it is that. Ours… and ours

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