
Cats And Dogs Similarities

Decent Essays

Cats vs. Dogs There are so many different options when choosing a pet for you and your family. Some people like lizards, some like fish, and some like hamsters, or rabbits. Most people choose between the two primary pets, cats or dogs. The question you might find people asking a lot is, “Are you a dog or cat person”? In some ways cats and dogs are very similar. In other ways, they differ from each other a lot. Most people would think that dogs and cats are polar opposites and don’t have much in common but that’s not exactly true. Compared to some other pets, cats and dogs have a lot of similiarities. To start off, they are both domesticated animals. Some people like to buy exotic or wild animals as pets, such as tigers or raccoons, and …show more content…

Along with similiarties, there are many differences between the two as well. The first difference many people notice or have to take in account is the way cats behave vs dogs. Cats are known to be very independent. They don’t need constant attention and love like most dogs do. Elizabeth Allen (2015) states, “The results of the study reveal that while cats might prefer to interact with their owner, they do not rely on them for reassurance when in an unfamiliar environment, and the researchers believe this is because of the nature of the species as a largely independent and solitary hunter.” This study shows that although most cats like interactions with their owner they do not need them. Another difference between the two is their exercise and bathroom needs. Cat’s can typically lounge around the house all day. If you get them a little scratch post and some toys they typically are fine with staying in the house all day, unless you have an outside cat. Dogs typically need much more excerise and play time. Dogs, especially puppies, have a lot of energy and need taken out at least once a day on a walk or to play, if not twice. As for going to the bathroom, indoor cats typically will have a litter box, which needs cleaned daily. Dogs should go to the bathroom outside which takes a lot less maintenance. You can clean your yard about once a week. A final difference between the two is the fact that dogs are “pack animals” and cats are not. Dogs travel in packs

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