
Case Study Tyler Gamache

Decent Essays

Tyler Gamache is an 7 year, 4 month old male enrolled in the first grade at Loudonville Christian School. Tyler Gamache was referred for a comprehensive psychoeducational evaluation to address concerns regarding his performance in the classroom. Tyler is currently receiving speech and language services, as well as remedial reading support, but continues to have academic difficulty in first grade. To assess Tyler’s cognitive abilities, academic skills, and social-emotional functioning, norm referenced testing was conducted. Current cognitive assessment results reveal that Tyler’s abilities range from Very Low to Average in the areas of Verbal Comprehension (Average), Visual Spatial (Average), Fluid Reasoning (Average), Working Memory (Low Average), …show more content…

Additionally, his writing letters, words, sentences, and paragraphs (Written Expression) skills fall within the Below Average range. He demonstrates the most difficulty with silently reading simple sentences (Silent Reading Fluency) as this skill falls within the Low range. Tyler receives remedial reading support services three times a week. He also sees a speech and language therapist to increase his phonological awareness skills. Although Tyler’s teacher reports that he has made gains in the areas of reading and handwriting, he is still performing below grade level expectations. In the area of math, Tyler’s basic math calculations (Math Computation) and addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division (Math Fluency) skills fall within the Below Average range. Consistent with classroom performance, testing indicates that Tyler is currently performing below grade level in reading and math. In the classroom setting, he shows difficulty processing information. Tyler’s teacher observes that he has trouble understanding concepts and learns at a slower rate. His performance is noted to improve when he is placed in a small group …show more content…

With regard to his social-emotional functioning, as assessed with the BASC-2, concerns were presented by both raters, across home and school setting for the areas of Attention Problems, Social Skills, and Functional Communication. In the area of social skills, Tyler’s mother reports that his interactions with his brother often lead to conflict. In regard to functional communication, Tyler receives speech and language therapy services twice a week due to his poor receptive language skills. His difficulty understanding language may affect his communication

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