
Capitalism During The Industrial Revolution

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Capitalism started up as a system of investing and sharing money in order to increase the value of resources in the future. Capitalism was just an economic system, but then soon turned into a complex system of ethical practices. Harari defines capitalism as, “a set of teachings about how people should behave, educate their children and even think” (Harari 314). This economic system evolved along with the people that were endorsing it. Capitalism enables the rich to get richer, while the poor continue to get poorer. There are many benefits to capitalism, but there are downfalls as well, and these downfalls tend to be masked because of the rapid speed capitalists grow at. Harari first presents a definition for capitalism, and soon goes into great detail on why capitalism, while fast paced and unforgiving, is able to stand unwavered while other productions fail. The industrial revolution was a huge turning point for development in society. The industrial revolution produced things like the invention and development of electricity, capitalism, and human transportation. Not only was this revolution beneficial for new inventions, but it was an aid in increasing the trust that we are now able to have in our future. Pre-historically, especially before the agricultural revolution, people found it very hard to have trust in what was to come. There was little trust in the future because homo sapien were so worried about surviving in the present. Before the industrial revolution,

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