
Capital Budget : Capital Budgeting Essay

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It is probably safe to assume that most households run on a budget and some amount of forecasting, as there are many individuals who might not have an unlimited supply of money. Decisions are made about paying household bills in relation to the income that has been generated. Then comes a point in time when one realizes a need to invest in a home improvement project, this results in an analysis of the finances such as, the expense and benefit of the project. Company’s do the same thing except on a much larger scale. Individuals within a company have to take into consideration some of the same things when determining if a project is applicable. This includes, revenue and expenses, in conjunction with the company’s fixed assets, all of which, assists in creating a budget and forecast of the company’s project’s potential cost and benefit, this analysis is known as capital budgeting. Authors Besley & Brigham of the text book CFIN 4, 4th Edition explain, “Thus, the capital budget is an outline of planned expenditures on fixed assets, and capital budgeting is the process of analyzing projects and deciding (1) which are acceptable investments and (2) which should actually be purchased.” (Besley & Brigham, 2015, pg. 145). Creating a capital budget and forecast that is as close as possible to the realized impact is essential, it should illustrate a true picture of investments anticipated outcome, review the below scenario and see how this concept can quickly change under pressure.

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