
Can America Do For A Better Future?

Decent Essays

There isn't anything consider a "perfect" place, person, nor thing. Nothing is perfect, so before we try to make America have a better future we can't try to make it perfect. We have to settle for not perfect but the best we can do. America does have a lot of improvements that can be fixed and smoothed out. I believe that America needs many things to help the future generations. So think to yourself what do you think America could do to help the future? I think there is plenty things to improve. In the end America isn't broken its just bent. My visions for America are jumping to fix the patches.

As we all know education is a very important thing among all children in America, it's understandable why a child must meet so many hours of schooling in a year. I believe to make children want to actually go to school we should make starting time ten every morning, and let out at four. That's still seven hours of schooling each day for five days a week. It is proven that our brains work more properly with more sleep. Children dread school because waking up at six or five is very …show more content…

I think hunting is uncalled for, and the most outrageous thing. Not only are you harming animals who do have the potential and the right to be here, you are also being careless and shooting over what you should shoot. Animal hunting has been around for 2 million years, so I do why it's such an important thing and I understand that we need meat and food to survive, but hurting poor animals isn't the answer. Everyone says it's good to hunt dear because of the population which is huge amounts of dear, but you always will have ignorant people out there that hunt and kill other animals then what they should be hunting. I think that we as people should have to sign a bunch of papers and takes tests to be able to hunt. By stopping all the hunting and killing of animals I believe we can become a better American

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