
Annotated Bibliography

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Andreou, E., Didaskalou, E., & Vlachou, A. (2008). Outcomes of a curriculum-based anti-bullying intervention program on students' attitudes and behavior. Emotional & Behavioral Difficulties, 13(4), 23.5.
Bullying has been an issue that has been on the rise effecting individuals in school settings. The article main focus is bullying, intervention, attitude and behavior. The researchers managed to collect data aimed at short term and long term interventions used to prevent bullying of students at schools. The interventions were put in place by the school officials who were trained in such intervention. There were a controlled group and an experimental group that consists of 454 students from fourth to sixth grade participated in the interventions. …show more content…

235). The finding indicates that when an individual considers the effectiveness of potential bullying intervention with in a specific educational system. The study also calls for more research to be done because there is more to learn about peer intervention in bullying.
Baer, D. M. (Spring, 1968). Some Current Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 91-97.
Applied behavior analysis previously known as behavior modification is the application of behavior that modifies human behavior, especially as part of a learning or treatment process. Applied behavioral analysis can provide changes and improvement in social behavior including communication, social skills, academics, toileting etc. These applied behavior analysis is used to promote meaningful and positive behavior. Once you have identified what the issue is the next step would be to identify goals and objectives. Design and implement a plan. Continue evaluating the progress and modifying to goals to meet the need of the individual. One of the techniques used is positive reinforcements as a reward for positive …show more content…

The researchers test the hypothesis by testing the effects of using books as a means for an individual to encourage modesty. The researchers test their hypothesis by using 59 individuals who were chosen at random and others were in a controlled situation. The individuals were split up into two groups. Individuals who were placed in a random situation that encourage humility have shown a developing number of changes than those that were placed in the controlled environment. Researchers also notice a change in the individual’s ability to forgive and tolerance. They were negative attitude observed, which was not observed in the individuals who were in the controlled environment. In conclusion, it is shown that individuals who were in a controlled situation are observed to make changes in their lives. The individuals who were not in a controlled environment did not show any changes to their

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