
Brown V. Board Of Education Of Topeka, Kansas Was A Milestone

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Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas was a milestone in American history, as it began the long process of racial integration, starting with schools. Segregated schools were not equal in quality, so African-American families spearheaded the fight for equality. Brown v. Board stated that public schools must integrate. This court decision created enormous controversy throughout the United States. Without this case, the United States may still be segregated today. Although the Fourteenth Amendment, when adopted in 1868, gave certain rights to blacks, including citizenship, equal protection of law and other freedoms, African-Americans were considered inferior by whites in this country. In 1896, Plessy v. Ferguson officially made …show more content…

Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas”. (Good, 31, 32) (Davidson et al. 850) Lawyers for Brown v. Board were sent from the NAACP. The NAACP was created in 1909 and stands for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Its mission is to protect the educational, social and economic rights minorities throughout the United States. One way the NAACP fought for equality was to supply lawyers for those whose rights were violated. (Benoit, 17-19) There were many arguments both for and against school segregation. One was the claim that educational decisions were to be left to the state and local courts, and not to be decided by the Supreme Court. Another was that students should be taught where they are most comfortable learning. It was thought that white children were more comfortable learning with white children and the same goes for African-American children. Also, students must be given and equal wlearning environment, not the same school. Lastly, the defenders of segregation claimed that African-American students were living with the effects of slavery, and were not able to compete with the white children. (Benoit, 10) (Smithsonian) The arguments against segregation were presented by Thurgood Marshall, James Narbit Jr. and George Hayes. The lawyers claimed Separate but Equal Doctrine was violated and that Plessy was unconstitutional in the first place, as it violated the right of equal protection. Also, psychological

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