
Essay on Biography of President Barack Obama

Decent Essays

Obama’s Presidency
Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4th, 1961. He went to Harvard Law School. After his graduation, continued his legal work as a civil rights lawyer and a professor teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago. He was elected to the Illinois State Senate in 1996. He served there for three terms (1996-2004). Later on, he started his campaign in 2007 for the presidential election in 2008. He won the presidential election against John McCain, his Republican opponent and started serving in the office in January 20, 2009. He became the 44th President of The United States of America. He is more well-known for being the first African-American who ever served in The White House.
During his terms, he …show more content…

They are still debating over the solution for this.
“In term of foreign policy, he is indecisive” –Bui, 36. According to what he said, Mr. Obama often gives late decisions. He is not good at dealing with other countries. Ukraine and Eastern Sea are one of the obvious proofs. China and Russia have been very daring lately; America is losing respect in both term of economy and military. Israel is another country to concern. Imagine if there is no Israel, all those Middle Eastern countries are sharing the same belief. They will eventually team up, create their own Alliance and only God knows what they can do with that. The world doesn’t need another version of Germany in World War 2. According to Jenifer Rubin from The Washington Post, in an article she said “President Obama gave an interview in which he viciously attacked Israel, suggesting that Israel was the cause of the peace process failure, that the United States could no longer protect Israel if the peace process failed”. Mr. Obama should consider that keeping Israel strong is a good thing to do right now. A strong Israel means that Middle East is unstable. Israel’s neighbor countries will keep being suspicious in every moves Israel made. They will be busy dealing with each other. In another word, it will prevent them to unify.
However, American should consider the good that he has done for this country. He ended the war with Iraq as the last troop left in 2011. He

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