
Best Things About The Program

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Best things about the program There are many great aspects about the COMEA House. One of the best things about the program is that they are able to house many people, especially men, as this this is the greatest population of homeless individuals in Cheyenne. They also have a designated space for families. This is a great aspect of the COMEA House, as many mothers with children may feel that they do not have a safe place to go. However, COMEA House provides a safe place for them to stay, away from the general homeless population, to ensure extra comfort and safety. Not only is the COMEA House able to provide shelter to so many individuals, they are also able to feed a great number of people. Individuals do not have to be staying the COMEA House to get a meal there. Anyone can come and eat there, all they have to do is pass a breathalyzer test before entering the facility. Another great aspect of the COMEA House is that they work with each individual to get them moving toward independence and self-sufficiency. They also offer extended stays to individuals who are working toward independence, but may need a little more time and assistance in order to maintain successful living when they leave.
Informing theories The COMEA House uses two primary theories. The first is the Person In Environment theory. This theory stresses the importance of having a non-judgmental and empathic relationship when working with other individuals……. The second theory that is

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