
Argumentative Essay On Just War

Decent Essays

After listening and watching to this debate my point of view on the Just War theory has grown much stronger. There was one big point or situation that came up in the debate, it was when the question was brought asking if a murderer came into your house and you knew he was going to shoot your family. Would you pick up a gun and fight back or would you stand by and let your family be killed? Another big point is that Just Wars are allowed because God is just and he commanded wars. How can you stand against this when God strictly says to go wage war. Pacifists believe that we are supposed to put down the sword and be non-violent Christians instead of ones that fight others to protect are country. Also what does that mean for soldiers in the military? Does that mean they will be sent to hell because they have killed people? What if they are fighting for God and not just for their family or country? The Crusades were a crucial thing for the survival of Christians. God is a just God, He knows what is …show more content…

What if a man came into your with the intention to kill your wife and children and there is a rifle on the wall next to you. Would you pick up the rifle and defend your family or would you be a coward and let your family die. The pacifists believe in non-violence so that means they would stand by and watch their wife and children die. If killing is such an awful thing and could mean your damnation to hell, then what does that mean for soldiers in the military? If they were to kill someone for the right reasons, which are they are doing it for God and to protect other innocent people and Christians. The Crusades were a necessary action for the survival of Christianty because what would have happened if the crusaders didn't go and fight the Muslims. If that didn't happen then the Muslims would have most likely gone on to kill all Christians which would mean the end of

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