
Animal Abuse And Human Abuse

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For years people have been abusing animals. So much so, that there are commercials and organizations dedicated to stopping the abuse of animals. It seems like everyday we turn on the news and hear stories of a person burning a kitten or someone shooting a puppy, but why do these people feel the need to do that to these helpless animals? Is there something deeper than just animal abuse? The types of animal abuse these helpless victim faces are similar to the same type of abuse children face. Animals are sexually abused, physically abused, neglected and even psychologically abused, but it does not seem to be taken as seriously as human abuse. Domestic violence, school shootings, murders and other forms of violence are also topics that seem to come up far too often in everyday life. These criminals that have committed heinous crimes against humans all got their start somewhere, and for many of them animals were where their abuses started. This paper will discuss what animal abuse is, how animal abuse and violence are linked, how people evolve into the criminals they are today through some sort of animal abuse, the warning signs of future abuse, and how we can help these mentally ill individuals. Animal abuse, defined by the MSPCA, is “Cruelty to Animals. The infliction of physical pain, suffering or death upon an animal, when not necessary for purposes of training or discipline or (in the case of death) to procure food or to release the animal from incurable suffering, but

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