
An Analysis of Faulkner's Barn Burning and Shingles for the Lord

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An Analysis of Faulkner's Barn Burning and Shingles for the Lord

In "Barn Burning," Faulkner's usual style of long sentences and detailed descriptions continues. Although the run on sentences are not quite as complicated or abundant as those of the other Faulkner works we have read, I still found myself wondering to some extent what the story was really about. Was it just about a bitter man's spitefulness toward Colonel de Spain as a result of his jealousy of the colonel's status? Or was there more to it? I also was left wondering why Faulkner did not refer to Sarty by name most of the time, but rather as "the boy." Did he want the reader to be less identified with Sarty even though he was the narrator? Did he want his reader to …show more content…

Faulkner uses "he said" to connotate the dialogue, but since there are two "he" characters in this particular case, it is difficult to figure out which one Faulkner is referring to.

On a different note, I did notice that Faulkner once again placed several references and emphasis on eyes, especially the father's. On page 16, the narrator says "the gray eyes glinted coldly" in reference to the father's eyes. The father's cold eyes are again described on page 19. The reference to people's eyes remingded me of descriptions of Dilsey's eyes from The Sound and the Fury and Charlotte's eyes from The Wild Palms. I thought it was interesting to see the recurrence of emphasis on the character's eyes.

"Shingles for the Lord" much easier to read than even "Barn Burning." The story was very straight foward and simplified, unlike much of Faulkner's other work we have read. I found myself reading through it very quickly without having to stop to reread something. The language was easy to understand, the characters were clearly identified, and there was not an abundance of run on sentences.

I found "Pap" to be a quite intriguing character. It was strange that every action he took was motivated by spite and his contempt for the other characters, much like the father from "Barn Burning." The two men almost sound as though they could be the same character. The story is told from the familiar first person viewpoint of

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