
American Colonization

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Post-colonization of North America by the British came with some struggles. The Americans moved their allegiances from Britain to themselves. Beginning in 1754, the colonists fought alongside their parent country against the French and Natives in the French and Indian War to prevent the expansion of French colonies in the New World. During this conflict the concept of “American” was an extension of British rule. After the war, this concept changed drastically. Parliament proposed laws, taxes, and restrictions on the Americans, for them to pay their fair share of the war. This angered the Americans and led to the design of a new republic government with democratic principles that allowed each person to have a say in the country’s decisions. …show more content…

Organizations destined to unify the colonies, were debate clubs that argued over issues for weeks on end before coming to a conclusion. Contrast among the citizens prevented any advancement in decision-making. The colonists could not come together as a body of one nation. They were spilt between the loyalists and the freedom fighters. The loyalists remaining in the colonies, in fear of post-war economic turmoil, slowed the freedom fighters. American rebels were fighting on two fronts. On one side, they fought for their independence from British soldiers. On the other side, they fought the traitors, to keep them from halting the revolution and keeping Britain in power of the United States of America. The country was divided; some colonists supported the Patriots, while others were loyal to the crown. With the help of France, the patriots won the war. It is because of the patriots that the term American is what it is today. While part of the country wanted to stay loyal, the patriots were able to defeat the British and negotiate terms in the Treaty of Paris of 1783. In the Treaty of Paris the British agreed to recognize the United States as an independent nation, and the newly formed United States of America …show more content…

It has changed to describe the true meaning of what it means to be American. In the mid seventeen hundreds, American meant you were a British settler and servant to the crown. As the century progressed, Americans crafted their own identity; they were a mix of people from many regions around the globe. The people made themselves separate from the British crown by declaring and fighting for their rights, liberties, and independence, but kept some aspects of British culture to preserve their heritage. Just as the Americans kept some parts of British culture, so did the Mexicans. Mexicans declared their independence from Spain in eighteen twenty-one. While Mexico got their freedom from the Spanish crown, they preserved their Spanish heritage through common traditions. Both countries managed to earn the rights they wanted and keep the sacred traditions they practiced as children. Throughout the period of 1754-1800, Americans transformed their name from followers of a great power, to the leaders of a modern superpower. Through this transformation, we derive the country we know today as the leader of the modern

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