
Amazon Bar Hires Essay

Decent Essays

Amazon Recruits Face "Bar Raisers" 1. Why does Amazon use “bar raisers” in the hiring process? Because the company is growing fast and they are the last defense against the loss of culture at the company and can preserve new people not well versed in our values from hiring new people that won't ever adequate well inside of that value system. They also act as balance against the gut reaction of the hiring manager to get butts in seats, which sometimes blinds the hiring manager to possible candidate failings. The Bar Raisers goal at the time was to make sure for each position and level, all candidates were interviewed across a shared set of abilities, and within each competency, an objective set of questions were asked to assess the applicant's skill level. In addition to conducting one of the interviews, the Bar Raisers was responsible for auditing the interview loop's coverage of aptitudes, for enclosing interview feedback into the tracking system, and running and moderating the meeting that decided the candidate's status at the end of the …show more content…

What are the potential advantages of using bar raisers for Amazon? Amazon believes the program, created in the company's infancy and honed by founder and Chief Executive Jeff Bezos, screens out cultural misfits and helps make the e-commerce giant a feared competitor in fields as diverse as logistics, tablet manufacturing and television production. In general though, you have to appreciate the desire to make the interview process fair at an organizational level. Many other companies simply do not think about this at all, and impartiality as a corporate value has huge benefits for everyone involved. 3. What are the potential disadvantages of using bar raisers for amazon? One potential problem I saw with the process though was that bar raisers in training seemed implicitly incentivized to judge candidates more severely, to prove that in fact they were "raising the bar" and so some qualified candidates didn't get

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