
Alfie Kohn's The Case Against Competition

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Over the years, the growth and changes in competitive sports has increased significantly. Sports games are now available twenty four seven weather it’s on national television or the radio, these activities have become a staple to American culture. Due in part to this, organizations have changed American athletics from more of a fun playtime to competition. Although, we may enjoy watching an intense sports game on television, the emotional and physical long term effects outweigh the entertainment of the people eagerly watching these activities occur. Also, the motivation to play the sport has become less about the team aspect and more about the emphasis on victory. Due to the unhealthy support from those around developing athletes, they’re …show more content…

Lately though, these games have lost it’s purpose and the lessons these players could be learning are far from what is transpiring. The emphasis on winning or losing has significantly outweighed what these sports are all about; teamwork and having fun. Alfie Kohn, author of “The Case Against Competition” found a study researched by David Johnson, a professor at the University of Minnesota, and his colleagues. They previewed all the studies they could find on the subject of competition from 1924 to 1980. Sixty-five of the studies found that children learn better when they work cooperatively as opposed to competitively, eight found the reverse. It is proven that you can get the most out of a topic whether it’s school work to sports, you learn the most from working in an atmosphere where they work together not against each other. In addition, children have been enrolled in intense sport training as early as the age of 4, not allowing them to have a chance to really pick what sport they are interested in. A lot of times parents hope to fulfill their dream, by having their offspring due what they never got the chance as a child. This doesn’t give kids the chance to develop and make decisions for themselves when it relates to the sports they want to play. This causes children to not only unhappy but dependent on …show more content…

Just to participate in these activities costs a high amount. The average parent pays over $671 a year for sports related equipment and participation states the article “High Costs of Youth Sports”. People who can’t even afford a meal are taking every bit of money they have in order for their child to have the opportunity to play a sport, and due to the increasing levels of competition in almost every sport, the costs have also increase massively in order to pay for the proper coaching and more amount of practices. Parents are pushing kids as young as 3-4 years old to pursue certain sporting activities in the hopes that years of involvement will enable their child to ‘be the best.’ For many parents, the ultimate goal is to gain a college scholarship. Although, some argue that parents are just looking out for their child’s best interest, it has become more about the chance to be the best than to do what you love most. Look at shows like Dance Moms where parents sacrifice everything in order to make sure that their child is getting the best training in the best facilities maximizing their chance at stardom. Jacqueline Stenson, the author of the article “Pushing Kids too Hard too Young”, states, “Eager to nurture the next A-Rod or Michelle Kwan, parents enroll their 5- or 6-year-olds in a competitive sports league or program.” Parents apply so much

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