
Acid Rain Essay

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Burning of fossil fuel in industries and transport sections, industrialization and urbanization have led to increase concentration of gaseous and particulate pollutants in the atmosphere leading to air pollution. The increased used to tall stacks for power plants and industries; atmospheric emissions are being transported regionally and even globally. Rain is one of the essential ingredients for human life. Although rain is naturally acidic, it is being increasingly acidified by pollution from homes, factories, power stations and cars. The term used to describe the problem is "acid rain". Acid rain has become a major environmental concern for several decades, it has broad economic, social and medical implications and has been called unseen plague of industrial age. The major components of acid rain is sulphur dioxide, sulphur trioxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide dissolves in rain. These components deposited as dry and wet depositions. One obvious consequence of acid rain is corrosive effect on exposed stone and metal structures, but there are also many biological that are not obvious. However, like many environmental problems, acid deposition is caused by accumulative actions of millions of individual people. It may not been seem as though acid rain is much as an issue, but it can cause more than you can imagine.

Keywords: Air pollution, Environment, acid deposition


Coopman , Stiffy B. , Acla, Hazel Jean I. , Garcia, Jessa M. Envi82- Environmental Ethics, Policies and Laws

TITLE PAGE Introduction 4 Policies, Legal and Socio-economic Issues 6 Aquatic System 6 Soil System 6 Plants 6 Conclusion 7 Recommendation 7 References 8


Coopman , Stiffy B. , Acla, Hazel Jean I. , Garcia, Jessa M. Envi82- Environmental Ethics, Policies and Laws


Since the beginning of civilization, human beings have used various natural resources for their benefit. To make our life easier, they have produced facilities that use many of the Earth’s energy resources.

On the other hand it results into pollution by release harmful substance into environment.

In the study of Singh and Agrawal (2008), as

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