
7 Characteristics Of Living Organisms

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We examined cells from all four kingdoms of the Eukaryotes using a light microscope and found that the cells make up all of these living organisms.
What are cells? Cells are the smallest living part of living organisms and are the building blocks of life. Each individual cell has all of the nine properties of life. The first one is homeostasis, which is the tendency of a system to maintain internal stability. For example, normal body temperature which is 98.5° and blood pH level should be around 7.2 at all times. The reason is primarily because of the denaturing enzyme Pepsin, which breaks down protein in your stomach. The next characteristic is living organisms respond to stimuli. Anything that causes a living organism to react is called a stimulus, living organisms respond to their environment. For example, when it is hot, receptor nerves in skin send a message to the hypothalamus which leads to the nerves which cause sweat and open the pores as well as dilating the capillaries. Next living organisms need to grow. Everything needs to grow in order to live, in the size of cells and/or number of cells. The fourth characteristic is reproduction. Living organisms pass on DNA in order to reproduce. The next characteristic is metabolism. Metabolism is all the chemical reactions involved in maintaining the living state of the cells and the organism. The sixth characteristic is evolution, biological evolution is passing changes in DNA from a parent to offspring

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