A learning standard of Early Childhood education week 6



Bryant & Stratton College *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Apr 3, 2024





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A learning standard of Early Childhood education (ECE) is a set of expectations and guidelines that help teachers know what developmental level each child should be at during certain times of their learning. These standards are for early childhood educators to plan, enforce, and review each educational experience for children in early childhood. Learning standards give educators an understanding of what abilities children should achieve to support development and to be successful. Examples of Learning standards are creative expression, social-emotional skills, physical development, math, science, and language. Legislative regulations are rules and laws set by the government to regulate the early childhood education programs. Staff qualifications, program administration, curriculum, and health and safety are specific requirements each program must meet as they are specific requirements and standards. Legislative regulations ensure that early childhood programs give a safe environment to children. Examples of legislative regulations are guidelines for health and safety, each staff has a background check, each program is licensed as required for these early childhood programs, and health and safety guidelines. Cognition and Knowledge of the World – “what children need to know and understand about their world and how they apply what they know” ( https://static.nylearns.org/content/documents/prekindergarten_learning_standards_jan_10_2011.pdf ) To me this means that children need to learn independence and how to live in the world we live in. Children need to know how to eat, clean, play, explore and learn about the ways of life. Children learn through the world around them. Children will apply what they know about the world as they grow by teachers and caregivers giving them the knowledge to do so. I cannot get the link to work and cannot get any regulations to show up on google.
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