in class activity 4-16



Los Angeles Trade Technical College *

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Apr 30, 2024





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In class activity 4-16 With your group, work together to answer the following questions. Be sure you are referencing and citing your class colleagues and course content. This means that you should write down what others say and include their name and if a concept is specifically used from the text, write down the page number the information was found on. Chapter 2 In consideration of a marketized family, which means the family unit is impacted via the market and separate spheres of responsibility, discuss which aspects of your childhood were handled outside the home. How did this impact your relationships, if at all, with family members? Did you develop relationships with others outside of your immediate family? Chapter 3 What were some of your assumptions about race and ethnicity before reading Chapter 3? Have these assumptions changed? Why or why not? How are race and ethnicity different? Summarize the historical trajectories of two racial and racial-ethnic groups mentioned in the textbook. Compare and contrast these two groups. How are the historical trajectories significant today?
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