DHM3 Task 2



Western Governors University *

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Apr 29, 2024





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John Brown DHM3 Task 2: Teaching Observations 3/3/24 Video Observation 1 A. Analyze the first video choice by including the following: 1. Identify the name of the video. The title of my first video choice is “Making It Click”. 2. Identify one form of technology used in the video in A1. One form of technology that the teacher used in this video is the electronic clicker. 3. Evaluate how the technology use in A2 facilitated student learning. The clicker is used by the students to choose answers to questions on the white board. After students use their clicker to answer a question, the teacher has many different ways that she can use the data to help facilitate student learning. One way is to display the results on the board. The teacher did this in the video and was able to confirm all of the correct answers and to address the incorrect answers without singling out any specific student. Another valuable tool that the clicker offers the teacher is the ability to review the data in real time. The teacher is able to see the results as the students choose their answers and to quickly see a general overview of the entire class performance as well as which students are struggling with specific questions. The data is able to be stored so that the teacher may review it whenever needed in the future. This would allow the teacher to give extra focus to certain students in the areas they are struggling. Examples of extra focus would be things like recommending or assigning extra review on sections the student is struggling with. The clickers also appear to encourage student engagement because they must listen to the questions and answer within the time frame given by the teacher. The student then sees their own results compared to the rest of the class and it can be more of a game or competition atmosphere. This may encourage engagement more than simply calling on students who raise their hands to answer questions. This encourages every student to answer each question instead of waiting for the same few students to answer the majority of the questions. Video Observation 2 B. Analyze the second video choice by including the following: 1. Identify the name of the video. My second video choice is titled “Movies Made Easy with Technology”. 2. Identify one form of technology used in the video in B1. One form of technology used in this video is the iMovie app.
3. Evaluate how the technology use in B2 supported the teaching process. The iMovie app supported the teaching process by giving the students the ability to more efficiently create videos for the project that was assigned. The students were able to learn a new technology that can be related to many other types of technology available to the students in everyday life as they grow up. By using a method that incorporates modern technology, the students may stay more engaged with the lesson because while they may not be specifically interested in the subject, maybe they are interested in the technology and so that will help them stay more engaged with the entire lesson, to learn the technology as well. Video Observation 3 C. Analyze the third video choice by including the following: 1. Identify the name of the video. My third video choice was titled “Using Technology to Boost Confidence” 2. Identify one form of technology used in the video in C1. One form of technology that was used in the video was Google Hangouts. 3. Summarize one potential equity or accessibility issue based on the video in C1 related to using the technology from C2. One potential equity or accessibility issue with google hangouts could be the limitations of personal internet at home for some students. There may be cost barriers for lower income students or students who may not have a stable home life or have multiple family homes due to parent separation. These barriers can be solved by a number of programs that help lower income or homeless students find free access to internet connections. Many schools now issue chromebooks for students to take home or even mobile hotspots that can be checked out or rented from the school or public library. These programs should limit the barriers and make it where most, if not all students are able to make use of the Google Hangouts to help them be more successful with their classwork.
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