Week 6 Discussion



National University College *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Apr 27, 2024





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Doing the activity that was provided based on my social cultural identity. It was interesting to learn how my social cultural identity shaped me to be who I’m. I state this because I have never thought about how my social cultural identity can affect how I engage with my clients as well in this course. I have been an Applied Behavior Analyst practitioner (ABA) for about 7 years. The clients I’m usually given are Latino/a culture. Based on the companies I have work the main reason I’m given is because of the language I speak Spanish. I’m aware that is because I can explain to parents, caregivers, the strategies being used. According to Cooper “Thus, the practitioner must remain vigilant, aware that personal history cultural background, and even clinical experience may exert undue influence on the proper delivery of professional service (2020, page 762).” Doing the activity, I realize I might be biased based on social cultural identity specially in race because I identify myself as a Latina. I might sometimes understand the caregivers, parents why they continue to do some strategies they believe it might work. I must be sympathetic with the caregivers, but I explain to them why this strategy we are going to use works by showing them some data. By understanding the stakeholders as an ABA practitioner, I will use my personal privilege to remove barriers in helping the ABA practitioners that is okay to say No thank you to a stakeholder when they would like to give you dinner, or dessert. By doing so we don’t get involved in a multiple relationship. “Multiple relationships may result in a conflict of interest that might harm one or more parties, behavior analyst avoids entering into creating multiple relationships, including professional, personal, and familial relationships with clients and colleagues (Bailey, Burch, 2022, page 17).” I realize how important is to help others remove barriers specially when we go into the home of same race or ethnicity as us.
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