W13 Assessment Scripture Study Skills



Brigham Young University, Idaho *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Study Skills Assessment Instructions: Answer 8 of the following 10 questions. 1. Read Helaman 7:1–20 using the scripture study skill of visualization . Write a short (100-200 words) essay based on insights you gained or feelings you experienced as you visualized Nephi's experience. 1. The people were wicked and were not punished because they had money. In the end they were punished and faced consequences as Nephi stood before them on the tower and was shamed for their iniquities. There are things which I have learned and as we know we will be punished for our own sins and not for the sins of others. Although we are to bring people to Zion we are not required or shamed for the sins of others. 2. Read Helaman 3:35 using the scripture study skill of principles . State a principle you develop based on the information in the verse. 1. If we fast and pray often and follow the teachings of the Lord, then we will be blessed and our faith will grow. 3. In the scriptures that you read in Helaman 7, Nephi prayed on a tower. We find the Zoramites also praying from a tower even in their state of apostasy (Alma 31). Read 2 Nephi 12:2. Using the scripture skill of symbolism , try to develop a theory or reason in (100-200 words) that might explain why towers were used with prayer, or why mountains symbolized temples. Don't settle for one reason, try to come up with multiple reasons why the symbol is powerful. 1. The mountains symbolized temples because they are high and they are at the top as the Lords house shall be established on the top of mountains. 2. All nations shall come before the top of the mountains to share the gospel. Therefore the gospel will be taught from the top of mountains. 4. Read Ether 2:8–12 using the scripture study skill of cause and effect . Produce a statement of cause and effect from the verses that teaches both the positive blessings and negative consequences placed upon this land. 1. When we follow the teachings of the gospel and follow his guidance than we will be freed and will be able to be free and serve the Lord forever and be guided bu his gospel. 5. Read 3 Nephi 14:1-8 and using the scripture skill of substitution , substitute the your name, or members of your family, co-workers, friends, or neighbors for some of the people and animals found in 3 Nephi 14 for the rule in verse one. State in 100–200 words the advantages to using the newly substituted rule. Share how inserting or substituting your name or names of people you know helped to bring these verses to life.
1. Substituting my name in there or my family members name brought be closer to these scriptures as if I do all that I am asked them I will be brought to the Lord and I shall be saved. When we take the time to do the things which we have been asked then we will be blessed and things will be open unto us. 6. Read 2 Nephi 28:2–7. What important flag phrase is given in these verses and why does noticing it help us as we study this chapter? If you struggle to notice the flag phrase, read 2 Nephi 20:20 and 2 Nephi 22:1 for similar examples. 1. It is important to be able to notice the flag phrases through these verses because it helps us to be able to understand and comprehend the rest of the chapter throughout. It helps us to be able to understand the little things which we may not have received the knowledge of or understood. 7. Read Alma 18:20–42 and Alma 22:2–18. What pattern for teaching and learning do you see both Ammon and Aaron use? 1. Spoke boldly, recorded things which were taught, generously taught 8. Read Helaman 4:8–20 using the scripture skill of setting to come to understand the situation that would be present when Helaman 5 begins. Helaman 5 recounts the ministry of Lehi and Nephi—two amazing missionaries to the Lamanites. Now that you understand the setting of the agonizing battles Moronihah had to wage just to reacquire half the lands they had lost to the Lamanites, read about the end of the mission of Lehi and Nephi and the results in Helaman 5:50– 52. Write a 100–200 word essay on Alma 31:5 using what you learned from the setting in the story of Helaman 5. 1. The world was great and they taught the things to the people and the world was just. The minds of the people were more powerful than the swords of the people. They were taught the word of God and were taught the things which were true. They were strengthened and grew in faith. 9. Read Alma 32:21. Using the index, topical guide, talks on churchofjesuschrist.org, or personal knowledge you possess on other scriptures about faith, create a cluster of scriptures about faith. Share four scriptures you might write in your margin next to Alma 32:21 and share the reasons why you decided to include them in the cluster . 1. Matthew 14:31 – When you have faith you have no space to doubt as you should have perfect faith 2. Mark 11:22 – We must have faith in God and therefore our faith shall be perfect 3. Romans 10:17 – We gain faith from the things which we are taught by the word of God. We may not be able to see it but we know it to be true. 4. 2 Corinthians 5:7 – We must walk by our perfect faith as we are unable to see the things which we know to be true
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