Disciple Making Part 1 (the Final)



Liberty University *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Disciple Making Plan Part 1 Foundations Assignment Michelle Heath DSMN 500_B04 February 2024
Contents Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Passages and Foundations---------------------------------------------------------------------4 Principles: “what are your core values in ministry”-------------------------------------6 Philosophy Of the Ministry-------------------------------------------------------------------7 Conclusion---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 Bibliography----------------------------------------------------------------------------------12
Introduction Developing a disciple-making plan is crucial for any church or ministry seeking to fulfill the Great Commission of making disciples of all nations. A well-thought-out plan provides a roadmap for intentional and strategic disciple-making, ensuring that individuals are not only converted but also nurtured and equipped to grow in their faith and become mature followers of Christ. In their book “Disciple Making Is….” Dave Earley and Rod Dempsey emphasize the importance of intentional disciple-making and provide practical insights on how to effectively carry out this essential task. At the core of disciple making is the commandment given by Jesus in Matthew 28: 19-20, commonly known as the Great Commission. 1 This mandate instructs believers to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that Jesus commanded. The purpose of disciple making is not just to increase numbers but to transform lives, helping individuals become fully devoted followers of Christ who reflect His character and carry out His mission in the world. In this plan incorporating prayer, relationships, biblical teaching, accountability, and a focus on multiplication, a well-rounded disciple-making plan can effectively impact lives and advance God’s kingdom on Earth. The framework of this disciple-making plan will be centered around the three Ps of ministry planning, Passages: “What are the main discipleship passages that guide your ministry”, Principles: “what are your core values in ministry”, Philosophy: "What are your most important ministry perspectives.” 1 New King James Version (NKJV) - Version Information - Biblegateway.Com . Accessed February 10, 2024. https://www.biblegateway.com/versions/New-King-James-Version-NKJV-Bible/.
Passages and Foundation “Upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18) is a foundational verse in Christianity, emphasizing the strength and resilience of the church. Building a foundational plan based on this scripture involves establishing a solid framework of the church to thrive and withstand any challenges that may come its way. This passage emphasizes the need for a establishing a strong foundation, therefore, just as a building needs a strong foundation to stand firm, the church must be built upon the teachings of Jesus Christ. Unity in faith and purpose among believers is essential for the church to fulfill its mission. Encouraging fellowship, collaboration, and mutual support within the church community will help strengthen its resolve and effectiveness in spreading the message of Christ. 2 Equipping and empowering disciples is essential for guiding the church towards its purpose. Investing in training, mentoring, and empowering leaders within the church will ensure continuity, growth, and stability in fulfilling its mission. The church should be a welcoming place for people from all walks of life. By creating an environment of acceptance and understanding, the church can reach out to a broader audience and make a positive impact on society. 3 This foundational principal based on this scripture “Upon this Rock I will build my church” exemplifies a church that can and will stand strong against any adversity and continue to be a beacon of light and hope in a dark world. Matthew 28:19 is a well-known foundational scripture in the bible where Jesus instructs His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, 2 Brown, Mark R. “By This They Will Know: Discipleship Principles to Transform the Church.” Scholars Crossing . Accessed February 10, 2024. https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/doctoral/596/. 3 Ibid
and Holy Spirit. 4 This verse is often referred to as the Great Commission and serves as a foundational principle for many Christian believers and churches. The Great Commission is a call to action for all nations. It emphasizes the importance of evangelism, discipleship, and baptizing new believers. By following this commandment, Christians aim to fulfill their role in sharing the message of salvation and love with others. Many passages encompass the attitude of a disciple; however, Luke 9:23-24 describes a blueprint or qualification of a disciple. One must Deny, Sacrifice, and Surrender. Deny, means that one must let go of their own desires, and needs, and instead prioritize the will of God. Next Sacrifice means one must be willing to suffer for the sake of Christ. This can be manifested in many ways, from facing persecution for one’s faith to enduring difficult circumstances with grace and patience. Lastly, Surrender, means one must make Christ the center of their life and seek to live according to His teachings being a disciple of Christ requires obedience, faithfulness, and perseverance. 5 When Jesus spoke this powerful command to James and John “follow me and I will make you fishers of men” (Matt. 4:19) marked a very profound event in discipleship formation. 6 One must be willing to forsake all and follow Christ. They went straight away to follow Him highlights another key point. One must be obedient not in words but in deeds. 4 New King James Version (NKJV) - Version Information - Biblegateway.Com . Accessed February 10, 2024. https://www.biblegateway.com/versions/New-King-James-Version-NKJV-Bible/. 5 Walvoord, John F., and Roy B. Zuck. The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures . Colorado Springs, Co.: David C. Cook, 1983. 6 Ibid
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