StollEMFT6102-9 (1)



Northcentral University *

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Jan 9, 2024





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1 What is expressed emotion? Expressed emotion can be defined as under or overinvolvement of a family member or care giver. For example, a person may become overlay angry at the person newly diagnosed with schizophrenia. Conversely, someone may become consumed with doing everything they possibly can to help the person, such as researching and reading anything they can. Research has found that family situations with high expressed emotion are not beneficial to the clinical outcome of people with schizophrenia (Bailey, 2014). Also, because becoming overinvolved, you, as the caregiver or family member, may find your own mental health suffering. “I will do anything to help her . I read , research and will fight to get her the best treatment . But I find that her issues become all I can think about sometimes . It ' s hard to find a good balance of my needs and helping her [ to ] navigate life ” (Bailey, 2014, p. 27). How can you help your loved one maximize their life? Collaborating with mental health professionals can greatly improve the overall well-being of your loved-one while also helping you manage your own mental health. Becoming informed can give you tools to relieve some stress for you while helping them manage their symptoms. SCHIZOPHRENIA Information for Parents and Family -------------- MFT 6102 – WEEK 9 Major Treatment Approaches: Medications- Antipsychotic medications such as Abilify (aripiprazole) Clozaril (clozapine) Zyprexa (olanzapine) Seroquel (quetiapine) Risperdal (risperidone) ( …2021) Individual Psychotherapy Cognitive behavioral therapy, CBT, may be a treatment option for people with schizophrenia. CBT helps teach a person to alter their beliefs or behaviors. Many people may be able to recover and resume their day-to- day life with a combination of CBT and medication (Yildiz, 2021). Family Therapy Family therapy for schizophrenia can help families reduce stress through education and strategies on problem solving (Caqueo-Urízar et al., 2022). Becoming informed and aware of the illness and its symptoms can aid in helping a carer with management. However, this should not be used as the sole source of treatment. POSITIVE SYMPTOMS (OR THINGS PRESENT THAT ARE NOT REALLY THERE FOR A PERIOD OF TIME WITHIN A MONTH) Hallucinations – Hearing voices or sounds not there Delusions – Beliefs that things are true despite evidence that they are false Incoherent or Confused Speech NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS (OR LACK OF NORMAL MENTAL FUNCTIONING) Loss of interest in things once enjoyed Seeming emotionless Lack of concentration Withdrawal from day-to-day life CAUSES Currently, there is no known cause for schizophrenia. Research indicates that there may be links to a family history of mental disorders or a history of alcohol or substance abuse. Risk factors are higher for those growing up in an urban area. Also, being born with birth complications can put someone at higher risk.
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