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May 4, 2024





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GLST 220 CQ J OURNAL : F INAL R EFLECTION T EMPLATE I NSTRUCTIONS Each Journal Entry should be submitted on its corresponding template. Use the prompts from the CQ Journal Assignment Instructions to complete the journal. Make sure that you sufficiently answer each question. Highlight and replace the text in the brackets below to complete your journal Mikayla Buttenhoff March 8 th , 2016 Since the beginning of this course, I do believe I have learned so much. In the CQ reflection I made the mistake and misinterpreted the goals set for that assignment and did not make any action steps or goals in the reflection but rather just discussed my scores for the test I took. I would say I did have goals for myself to become more knowledgeable, motivated, and start real life interactions that would give me more experience in cross-cultural situations. I would say I have definitely become more knowledgeable and even learned about different key value and cultural systems I would not have thought to look at when studying a culture before! Having this outline of things to look for when trying to understand different cultures will most definitely help me in the future! This has made me become more motivated in taking action and not being afraid to live through new experiences as well! I did not however get to experience real-life situations as much as I wish I could have. My understanding of CQ and the realities interacting across cultures has significantly changed even now with the knowledge of importance it is when moving forward with my degree and the want to hopefully counsel others in the future. I did not truly understand the significance until reading the article CQ in Psychology Counselling, and realizing how truly important it is to gain knowledge on all forms of culture in another person to truly understand them. This goes for spreading the gospel as well. To spread Jesus’ word across nations and truly make an impact, you must understand another’s value system, make a plan, and communicate to them in such a way that is endearing and encouraging according to their own diverse culture. In the future, I plan on specifically adhering to each diverse person through the strategies taught in the four dimensions of cultural intelligence in psychology: Metacognition CQ, Cognition CQ, Motivational CQ, and finally Behavioral. The most significant thing I have learned in this intercultural engagement class is how even though we come from different places of the world, we grow up in different settings and even have different worldviews, we are all made in His image and His likeness. No matter your sexual identity, race, ethnicity, language you speak, or even the party you vote in we are all one and the same and truly loved by Him. It is my purpose now, to spread what I have learned to others, just as God’s word has taught me.
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