Lab 2 Data collection instructions (2)



CUNY Hunter College *

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May 3, 2024





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Lab 2 Data collection instructions In this lab, we will be measuring and examining personality traits of participants and asking about the personality of the participant's ideal mate/partner. You can find a primer on this subject and other relevant background information on a powerpoint provided on the blackboard website. For this lab, you (and a partner if you so choose) will be given a 2-part survey to distribute to hunter college students around campus. Providing informed consent You will approach other hunter college students and ask if they would like to participate in our study. If they agree, you must first distribute an informed consent form (these will be given to you at the beginning of class) and guide participants through this form so that they are fully aware of what will be asked of them during this study and be informed of their rights as study participants. You should encourage them to take note of the contact information provided if they decide to contact us at a later point. At the end of this form, you and the participant will add your signatures if they agree to provide informed consent. Distributing Survey forms At the beginning of the study, you will collect demographic data for each participant. Record the following for each participant: Their age Their gender identity (Male, Female, Other/prefer not to say) Their relationship status (Single, in a relationship, other/ prefer not to say) After demographic information is collected, you will then present them with two surveys: 1. The first survey presents a series of 20 attitudes that our participants will rate on a 1-6 scale on how much they agree/disagree with those statements. 2. Each participant will then complete the second survey. This survey consists of questions regarding the same series of 20 attitudes. This time, the participant will again provide ratings on a 1-6 scale, on how much their ideal partner/mate would agree/disagree with those statements. Contributing to class datasheet After the survey responses are collected from your participants, you can record the demographic data and responses in the class datasheet. A link is provided on the blackboard website, in a folder labeled lab 2.
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