6-2 Discussion Sleeping



Southern New Hampshire University *

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Apr 30, 2024





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Public Health Trend: Poor Sleep Hygiene Quality sleep plays a vital role in supporting our overall health and well-being (Libretexts, 2022). During deep sleep, our body undergoes essential repair processes. Cells repair themselves, and tissues heal. Adequate sleep ensures efficient immune cell production and function. The immune system becomes more active. It produces cytokines, proteins that regulate immune responses. These cytokines help fight infections, inflammation, and stress. Lack o sleep can lead to increased inflammation, affecting overall immune health (Libretexts, 2022).. On average Americans typically get around 6.8 hours of sleep each night (Yang et al., 2023). However, this is more than an hour less than the average sleep obtained in 1942, which was 7.9 hours (Yang et al., 2023). Approximately 29% of people get at least 8 hours of sleep, while about 14% get only 5 hours of sleep (Yang et al., 2023). Cell phones play a role in sleep quality. People who find themselves in need of their cell phones just before sleep have difficulty sleeping (Yang et al., 2023). Theory: Social Support Theory Social connections and support play a vital role in maintaining overall well-being, including sleep quality (Yang et al., 2023). When individuals feel supported by their social network (friends, family, or community), they experience less stress and anxiety. This positive emotional state contributes to better sleep quality (Yang et al., 2023). Ecological Level: Individual Level At the individual level, poor sleep impacts personal health, well-being, and behavior (Libretexts, 2022). Community Level Within a community, social norms and collective behaviors influence sleep. Community resources (e.g. access to healthcare, noise levels) impact sleep quality (Libretexts, 2022).
Image Choice: “Love Your Phone? Or Love Your Sleep?” References Libretexts. (2022, October 8). 11.5: Theories of sleep . Social Sci LibreTexts. https://socialsci.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Psychology/Biological_Psychology/ Biopsychology_%28OERI%29_-_DRAFT_for_Review/ 11%3A_Wakefulness_and_Sleep/11.05%3A_Theories_of_Sleep Yang, L.-L., Guo, C., Li, G.-Y., Gan, K.-P., & Luo, J.-H. (2023, September 4). Mobile phone addiction and mental health: The roles of sleep quality and perceived social support . Frontiers. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychology/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1265400/full by Unknown Author is licensed under by Unknown Author is licensed under
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