_Voting for Eighteen- Year-Olds (3)



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Political Science


Apr 3, 2024





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Tapia 1 Maria Tapia Professor Teas Government 2305 2 September 2023 Voting for Eighteen-Year-Olds Who do you think would support or oppose this? An amendment to the Texas constitution titled S.J.R. No.7 is a Joint resolution to authorize certain persons under the age of 18 to vote in the primary election but Article 6 of the Texas constitution get amended by adding the Section 1.a which states that the legislature provided by law may provide for voting in a presidential election anyone who is or will be 18 years or older on the date of the primary for the state and county officers and people who satisfies the requirements for the eligibility to vote.The people who would support this would be the older Republicans of the republican party, white individuals thats are young and older, Democrats of the Democratic party,White, Black, Asian, Indian, and Hispanic people. American entrepreneur and candidate for the 2024 Republican party presidential primaries Vivek Ramaswamy, supports the idea of raising the legal voting age to 25. Ramaswamy stated, “It’s to value voting itself and everybody’s is equal and on the same foot and at the age of 25 and onward”. (Allison 2023) What Ramaswamy means by this is that anyone, whether by race or ethnicity, has the right to vote because everyone is equal and the same and everyone has to agree or be on the same page as everyone else when it comes to voting at age 25 and older. In this section will cover if raising the voting age is a good idea the response would be this raising the voting age of voters is a good idea because teens rational part of the brain isn’t
Tapia 2 developed until the ages of 25 (“Understanding the Teen Brain - Health Encyclopedia - University of Rochester Medical Center”)so it might be better to raise the voting age . The people that are 16 are still in high school and they have to be taught more about voting and about history and how to make their own decisions.Raising the voting age also makes people have more responsibilities especially when it comes to their jobs, family and the people get to decide what issues are important to them and by meeting different kinds of people that agree with the issues they support as well. The reporter Hannah Greshman wrote the article titled Why the voting age should not change. while 16 year olds must participate in some adult activities they still live in their parents or guardians houses until they are 18. The people who are waiting until they are 18 to vote will allow them to venture out into the world and form their own opinions on the world as well as learn to make their own decisions based on their own facts instead of their own emotions. As Senior Carson Jackson from North Cobb High School once stated, “The majority of the world set their voting age at 18, which I believe is a perfect age. You’re just out of high school taking on adult responsibilities, and able to partake in the privilege of voting. 16-year-olds need a lot of growing and learning to do before they can make this major decision,” (Carson qtd. In Greshman 2023) This means that people who are 18 are more mature and they are better educated because they have graduated high school and have better knowledge to vote for the things they care about and things that matter to them. In terms of 16-year-olds, they are still in high school and they have to learn more and they are not mature enough to make their own decisions yet about voting for the things they care about. If you were in the Texas Legislature, how would you have voted?
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