Written Assignment 1



Thomas Edison State College *

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Political Science


Apr 3, 2024





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All citizens are said to engage in what John Locke called the social contract . What is the social contract and how does it relate to American government? [MO1.1] John Lockes’ Social Contract theory is that people are free to consent to being governed. That all people have naturals rights to certain things that we as Americans have to know in the famous phrase “The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” While Locke’s phrasing may have been life, liberty, and property, Jefferson changed it in the Declaration of Independence to the pursuit of happiness. Though there is some debate as to whether or not Jefferson used Locke as inspiration or rather just a use of a rising phrase that is now used among many countries around the world. This incredibly influential theory that people should consent to their government and govern through elected representatives is one of the reasons for the founding of America, soon to be followed by France, Great Britain, Canada, and most other developed countries we see around the world. The Constitution states limits on the powers of the national government. What type of governmental system does this reflect? What is the role of state government? Why are there limits on federal power? [MO1.3] This type of government is called Federalism. The State Governments responsibility are for matters that lie inside their state such as education, health care, public safety and services. Though some items that are the responsibility of the state are subsidized or assisted by the Federal government such as education and safety. The reason for limits on federal power is to ensure that a federal government does not overreach and deprive citizens of personal freedoms. Some examples would be that the government cannot make an act criminal after the fact. Democracy is the name for the form taken by American government. Some other countries have oligarchic or autocratic governments. Describe and define each, and list the major differences. With regard to democracy, discuss the difference between direct and representative democracy. [MO1.2] Democratic is a government in which political power rests in the hands of the people. This form of government allows the people being governed to have some say over policies and laws. Oligarchy is a government in which a handful of elite members of society hold all political power. This form of government is where a specified group of people, such as the rich, or members of a specific party make all decisions regarding law, policy and institutions. Autocracy is where one person holds all political power, such as a monarchy or dictatorship. This form of government is where a singular person makes all decisions. Great Britain and it’s King/Queen monarchy is such a form. Direct Democracy is a form of democracy where each member of the people are able to participate in making governmental decisions. This would be akin to the Assembly of Ancient Athens. Representative Democracy however is where elected representatives are supposed to represent the will of the people and make decisions and pass laws on behalf of the interests of their constituents.
Explain in what ways the Constitution is an improvement over the Articles of Confederation. In addition, explain why the Constitution is referred to as a living document. [MO1.2] The Constitution allowed the national government greater powers in order to conduct business that would be required of them. Mainly the ability to tax its citizens and organize and legislate trade with foreign countries. This allowed the US to begin repaying its debts, which under the Articles of Confederation it was unable to do and was greatly hurting its abilities to interact with other nations. The Constitution is considered a living document because it has the ability to be changed. This has allowed the government to somewhat grow with its citizens but adapting the nations needs. Though the framers made amending the document difficult enough that it has only had 27 total amendments to it. Discuss the Great Compromise and identify the feature of today’s American government that the Great Compromise resulted in. [MO1.2] The Great Compromise is a mixture of the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. The Virginia Plan was a government that was based mainly on population, with an upper and lower house. The lower house was popularly elected while the upper house were proposed by state legislature (political elite). The New Jersey Plan however was in nearly direct opposition so that smaller states, such as New Jersey, would have an equal power to larger states. The New Jersey plan was that each state only have a singular vote and had a unicameral legislature compared to the bicameral legislature of the Virginia Plan. The compromise then came proposed by Roger Sherman of Connecticut, and created a bicameral legislature that had each chamber a form of the two plans. The Senate was based on the New Jersey Plan, in that the Senate is two senators from each state that each serves 6 years before re-election. The House of Representatives then is based on population like the Virginia Plan. His proposal also stated that the Senators were to be appointed by state legislature like the upper house of the Virginia Plan, and the House would be elected popularly like the lower house of the Virginia Plan. This created what is now known as our Congress. Another core value in American political culture is liberty. How does the Constitution protect individual liberty? List some examples. [MO1.1] The Bill of Rights is meant to clearly define and protect individual liberties, which are the first ten amendments to the Constitution. Another 17 have since been added since those first ten, with further intention to protect individual liberties. Of note in the Bill of Rights was the Ninth Amendment which stated that liberties extend beyond those explicitly defined in the Bill of Rights. Other examples of liberties protected by the Constitutional Amendments include the abolishment of slavery and granting citizenship to African Americans. This provided the basis that all citizens have equal protection regarless of race or color. The ability to vote and vote regardless of sex, race, color, or financial status. The ability to vote on legislature or law that would affect young men who would then go to war based on those laws. The liberty of Free Speech, which is frequently in contention as to what that means and how far that liberty applies.
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