Exam 3 - take home essay



Florida Atlantic University *

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Political Science


Apr 3, 2024





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Drugs and Society – Spring 2024, Prof. Hough The Political Economy of the Illegal Drug Industry Take-Home Essay 3 Please answer only four of the following questions to the best of your ability. Each response should be 1-2 paragraphs long, typed, double-spaced, and with no grammatical or spelling errors. No late papers will be accepted. Each question will be worth 5 points, adding up to 20 points in total. [Friday (3/29) – Upload to the canvas site by no later than 5 PM] 1. According to Reinarman and Levine, what is punitive prohibition? What are its underlying economic and social/political logics? How does punitive prohibition differ from regulatory prohibition? 2. According to Reinarman and Levine, what is a “drug scare”? Why was the rhetoric used by politicians and the mass media during the years of “crack scare” of the 1980s statistically inaccurate? 3. According to Paul Goldstein and his co-authors, why is the illegal drug trade so prone to violence? How and why is this violence impacted by the legal status of a drug? 4. According to Philippe Bourgois, academics have debated whether or not the “structural political economy” theory or the “culture of poverty” theory best explains how and why people become involved in the illegal drug industry. Explain each theory, then explain why he believes that a “cultural political economy” explanation is better than the other two theories. 5. According to Michelle Alexander, how did the “Jim Crow” laws enacted after the Civil War into the early 1960s create a “racial caste system” in the U.S.? How and why does she view the punitive drugs laws of the 1980s as a cause of the “New Jim Crow”? How do these laws recreate the “racial caste system” in the U.S.? This essay is worth 20 points [20% of your total grade]. Each question is worth 5 points each. Each question will be graded according to the following grading rubric: 5/5 = (3 points) correctly defines the concepts in their own words AND (2 points) clearly answers the question using examples from the text or from their own experiences 4/5 = (3 point) correctly defines the concepts in their own words BUT (1 point) does not clearly answer the question using examples from the text or from their own experiences 3/5 = (2 point) correctly defines the concepts in their own words BUT (1 point) the examples 1
used to answer the question demonstrate that the student does not clearly understand the concept 2/5 = (1 point) incorrectly defines the concept AND (1 point) the examples used to answer the question demonstrate that the student does not clearly understand the concept 2
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