KIN 345 assignment two



University of British Columbia *

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Jan 9, 2024





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1. Based on the definition of a Sport Coaching Philosophy, which 3 factors determine a coaching philosophy? (3 marks) The three factors that determine coaching philosophy are: Governing principles that determine why you do things Beliefs that determine why you do things How you behave in the context of your coaching role 2. Why should you develop a sport coaching philosophy (4 different points – in your own words)? (8 marks – 2 marks each) - Having a set of guidelines and principles that the coach can follow will ensure consistency in teaching the sport such as techniques and approaches. - A set of guidelines and principles can also ensure the coach to prioritize certain areas to create the desired results one wishes. - A coaching philosophy also allows for the coach to make good decisions and actions while following a set of guidelines - Having a coaching philosophy will also elicit consistent behaviour so athletes can build trust with the coach and have better performance. 3. What else does research suggest influence a coaching philosophy? (1 point - 2 marks) - Research suggests that one’s coaching philosophy is also influenced by their experience level as a coach, thus coaches with less experience sometimes have difficulties understanding the concept of a coaching philosophy. 4. Identify and define (in point form) the 5 steps to develop your Sport Coaching Philosophy? (10 marks – 2 marks for each step – they must show understanding) Step one: identify what is the most important to you: - find out what are your fixed values within your coaching role, and separate the non-negotiables with those which are flexible. - Each person’s set of values also influences their coaching behaviour Step two: learn from your own experiences - find past experiences, lessons, that were valuable and important to you over your career path, perhaps from old mentors. - It is always best to be authentic and learn from past experiences and improve. Step three: what is your sport coaching style? - This is often defined by one’s behavioral style, and coaches should identify their strengths and weaknesses to better understand their motivations and performance. - It will also be helpful in adapting to different sporting situations. Step four: discovering your sport coaching philosophy - Create a framework of ways you want to conduct yourself and elicit your behaviour - Find out how you define success
Step five: keep it visible and alive - Have these behaviors exhibited repeatedly - Review the coaching philosophy every day so it is ingrained in your head 5. Identify 2 values (1 mark each = 2 marks) that you want people to admire about you and how would you teach these values to your athletes (1 idea/value for 2 marks/idea = 4 marks). Please include those in your CPH #2. - Quality of work: I value the quality of one’s work over the quantity. I would teach athletes to perfect their techniques to produce good quality work, even if it may take hours to learn, the quality of work is then learned rather than rushing to do something that is mediocre. - Consistency: it is important to stay consistent and show up to every single practice rather than giving up after one time. I would ensure that athletes are showing up to practice no matter the circumstances - rain or shine.
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