


Delaware State University *

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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by CaptainFireGoldfinch29 on coursehero.com

L01_MathProf_H5.doc Rita and Talecia Rita This video clip shows a child named Rita solving a typical two-digit subtraction problem. Rita is a 7-year old girl with normal mathematical abilities. Refer to the handout on the strands of mathematical proficiency distributed during class. Decide whether you think Rita is proficient (with respect to the standard subtraction algorithm) in each of the five strands. Make sure you explain your reasoning. For example, if you feel that you cannot tell whether Rita is proficient in one of these strands, you need to explain why you were not able to make a decision. Talecia This video clip shows a third-grade girl named Talecia solving a three-digit addition problem. Refer to the handout on the strands of mathematical proficiency distributed during class. Decide whether you think Talecia is proficient (with respect to the standard subtraction algorithm) in each of the five strands. Make sure you explain your reasoning. For example, if you feel that you cannot tell whether Talecia is proficient in one of these strands, you need to explain why you were not able to make a decision.
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