Q4 Week 3 Math Extra Practice



Hinds Community College *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






May 3, 2024





Uploaded by DukeMongoose4340 on coursehero.com

2 3 Which expression is another way to show 8 x 6 ? A Q2+4)+6 B 2+4)x6 C @2x4)+6 @ (2x4) x6 The distance from Chicago to New York City is 794 miles. What is 794 rounded to the nearest hundred? What number makes the equation true? 4=_2 =7 A 11
4 Which fraction is equivalent to % ? A 1 2 @ : 3 c 3 4 p & 8 5 A third-grade class is having a car wash. They put the same amount of water in each bucket, as shown. —5 gallons —4 gallons —3 gallons —2 gallons —4 gallons —4 gallons —3 gallons —2 gallons 3 gallons —2 gallons —3 gallons —2 gallons t— —1 gallon —1 gallon —1 gallon —1 gallon Which expression can be used to find the total amount of water, in gallons, in all the buckets? A 4x3 B 5x%3 C 4x4 D 5x4
6 A bulletin board can be covered completely by 30 square pieces of paper without any gaps or overlaps. If each piece of paper has side lengths of 1 foot, what is the total area of the bulletin board? A 1 foot 30 feet 1 square foot 30 square feet v A teacher has 16 paper clips in one box and 48 paper clips in another box. The teacher separates all of the paper clips into 8 equal groups. How many paper clips are in each group? A 24 64 8 What number makes the equation below true? 80x7=_2 56 87 150 560
9 What number makes these two equations true? 9%x_?2 =45 45 +9=_72 A 4 B 5 cC 7 D 8 10 A student has a collection of 72 baseball cards. All of the cards are stored in an album with 8 cards on each page. Which expression can be used to find the total number of pages of baseball cards in the student’s album? A 72+8 B 72-8 C 72x8 D 72-+8 11 Emma and 5 other children equally share a large rectangular table. What fraction of the table does each child get? A 1 6 B 1 5 c 1 4 p 1L 2
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