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May 4, 2024





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4. Supplementing a Résumé Some candidates choose to highlight their career accomplishments through two additional tools that supplement the résumé: professional portfolios and employment videos. Read the scenario about preparing a professional portfolio, and then answer the question. Kieron is an assistant curator at a local art museum. Kieron would like to make a career move to another museum and assume a management position. Kieron is preparing a digital professional portfolio to supplement a traditional résumé. What possible items should Kieron will include a professional portfolio? Check all that apply. Personal contact information for Kieron’s immediate supervisor Performance reviews Medical records certifying Kieron is fit to work Certificates and degrees from professional training programs Points: 1 / 1 Close Explanation Explanation: Kieron might include performance reviews, certificates, and degrees from professional training programs. These items will give potential employers a more robust picture of personal qualifications. Kieron should not include medical records certifying fitness to work or personal contact information for Kieron’s immediate supervisor because the portfolio may be publicly accessed. Always protect your privacy online. Additionally, medical records are information that may lead to discriminatory hiring. Refer to 13-4: Supplementing a Résumé. Video recordings can be used to extend the impact of a printed résumé. A video résumé should showcase your key qualifications and allow your potential employer a glimpse of your abilities. Points: 1 / 1 Close Explanation Explanation: Video résumés should showcase your key qualifications and reflect your personality. Video résumés do not need to reveal multimedia expertise; however, they should be professional and thoughtfully composed. Video résumés add differentiation in how you market yourself. Highlighting your personal appearance is not wise and may lead to discriminatory hiring practices. Refer to 13-4: Supplementing a Résumé.
Consider the scenario about supplementing a résumé, and then answer the question. Finnian preparing a series of video clips to augment a traditional résumé. Finnian wants to highlight well-developed, public-speaking skills. What advice would you give Finnian before preparing the video clips? Edit your video to eliminate dead air and imperfections Speak in 10-minute segments Use only full-body shots to catch your hand gestures on film Points: 1 / 1 Close Explanation Explanation: Finnian should edit the video to eliminate dead air and imperfections. Finnian should use both close-up and full-body shots, depending on what Finnian wants to emphasize. Finnian should keep the segments to less than 10 minutes in length. Ten minutes is too long for a résumé video clip. Refer to 13-4: Supplementing a Résumé. Yijun would like to update the digital portfolio to better highlight the skills and abilities. Which of the following should be included in the professional profile section of Alexis’ digital portfolio? Include an address with the reference listing Use action verbs and do not list references Use more personal pronouns Points: 1 / 1 Close Explanation Explanation: Yijun should use action verbs and avoid personal pronouns in the professional profile. Yijun should also avoid using a reference and contact information, to protect the privacy of the reference. Refer to 13-4: Supplementing a Résumé.
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