mickayla_collins_annotated_bibliography_ step 4



University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) *

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May 1, 2024





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Annotated References in APA Format 1. Chen, X., & Eisenberg, N. (2012, February 9). Understanding Cultural Issues in Child Development: Introduction. https://srcd.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1750-8606.2011.00217.x Description: The authors are affiliated with institutions of higher learning and have published throughout on the topic of understanding cultural issues in child development in addition to other authors mentioned throughout this article. This article endures research findings between children and adolescent behaviors in their development patterns in cultures. The authors explained the challenges through their research and experiences. In addition, each individual provided suggestions for future references in areas that may experience during difficult challenges. Child development refers to how a child grows and changes overtime. Therefore each child maybe faced with challenges within their culture, which in face can hinder their development in some aspect. In fact there are 29 additional authors within this reference that provide information about children in different worlds, how their mind works in society, individualism, and much more. Therefore, these individuals do a fine job summarizing and providing information about children’s development and their culture. 2. Skoglund, R. I., Ye ( 叶菊艳 ), J., & Jiang ( 姜勇 ), Y. (2022). Ethical Codes for Early Childhood Teachers: How and Why Should We Use Them. ECNU Review of Education, 5(4), 563-576. https://doi.org/10.1177/20965311221127322
Description: The authors are affiliated with institutions of higher learning and have published throughout the topic of ethical codes of child development in addition to several other authors mentioned throughout this article. This article talks about how child development and or childhood teachers are defined as playing a crucial role within a child’s life. Teachers develop children’s mind and strengthen their learning abilities throughout everyday activities. Ethical codes are hindered by using the term “code of conduct” or ethical standards/principles. Within a teacher’s perspective, professional ethics are typically comprised with a set of beliefs based on core values and the upbringing and education of children. Children learn by building brain connections ad the more that their neural pathways are used the stronger they get. Therefore, by the means of ethical codes and or conduct, teachers ensure that the core values are taught with the protection and respect of caring for children. 3. University of Maryland University College. (2024). Learning Topic. Business Ethics. https://leocontent.umgc.edu/content/scor/uncurated/mba/2218-mba610/ learning-topics/business-ethics.html?ou=916137 Description : The reference explains ethical decision-making and business ethics. This article explains the ethical business culture and identifying the building blocks of an ethical workplace. One author explains that within the work environment, employees are not being ethical. Therefore, not being ethical leads to misconduct in which can make a managers job challenging as he or she have to figure out what the next steps would have to be. The reference mentions that ethics provide guidance for employees to abide by
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