Phonological and Phonemic Awareness_ Pre-Test _ Reading Rockets



California State University, San Marcos *

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Apr 3, 2024





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2/12/24, 3:05 PM Phonological and Phonemic Awareness: Pre-Test | Reading Rockets 1/3 Phonemic awareness is: There are _______ sounds in the English language: Phoneme blending is: You answered 10 out of 10 questions correctly. 10 10 a strong predictor of future reading success a sub skill of phonological awareness a foundational reading skill all of the above Correct! exactly 26 more than 60 more than 40 Correct! exactly 52 easier than syllable blending harder than onset and rime Correct! easier than identifying rhyming words more di±cult than phoneme addition, deletion, and substitution Phonological and Phonemic Awareness: Pre-Test
2/12/24, 3:05 PM Phonological and Phonemic Awareness: Pre-Test | Reading Rockets 2/3 The onset sound(s) is the: The de±nition of phoneme is, “The smallest part of _________ language.” The word eight has how many phonemes? Phonological awareness is: How are phonemes represented in writing to di²erentiate them from actual words? last sound in a syllable the vowel and any following consonant sounds at the end of a syllable the vowel sound in a syllable sounds before the vowel in a syllable Correct! spoken Correct! written informal formal 5 4 3 2 Correct! a person’s ability to hear sound structures of speech a person’s ability to manipulate sound structures of speech a print-free skill set all of the above Correct! by placing the letters between slashes /b/ Correct! by placing the letters between asterisks *b* by placing the letters in parentheses (b)
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