MISY 5310 - P6 Assignment 6



Texas Tech University *

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Information Systems


May 6, 2024





Uploaded by MartyG52 on coursehero.com

P6 Assignment 6 (SLO 2) 1. Follow all the steps in this week’s P6 PPT and video., a) Take a screenshot of the Resource Assignments of this project, using “ Assignments by Activity ” layout. (8 points) 1. b) Take a screenshot of the Resource Usage Profile for each resource (6 total). (1 point/each resource, 6 points total) c) Take a screenshot of your activity list, including the duration of each activity. (6 points)== 2. Open project Digitization Program (under IT – LOB 1), take a single screenshot that contains all the following information: (hint: there might be a proper layout) (10 points) a) all resource names in the current project b) the overall labor hours budgeted or scheduled for each resource c) every resource's activities d) every resource's budgeted or scheduled for each activity
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