Collaborative Practices Preparation Worksheet



University of Illinois, Chicago *

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Industrial Engineering


Apr 3, 2024





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AHS 402 – Collaborative Practices Preparation work: Read “Collaborative practices – RWJF 2016” and answer the following reading questions prior to coming to class ( 2-3 sentences per question ) 1. What would an example of “putting a patient first” look like in a hospital? - In a hospital setting, putting the patient first means prioritizing their needs, preferences, and well-being above all. To achieve this, patients can be involved in decision-making processes, and their concerns can be addressed through open communication channels. 2. In your own words, what does “creating a level playing field” mean in collaborative healthcare spaces? - In collaborative healthcare spaces, creating a level playing field means ensuring that all stakeholders, regardless of their roles or backgrounds, can contribute, share information, and make decisions. To achieve this, team members need to break down hierarchies and promote mutual respect. 3. What components of collaborative practice do you feel represent your own strengths? - Throughout my career, I have been developing my ability to communicate effectively and listen actively, both of which are vital components of collaboration. In addition, I possess the ability to solve problems quickly and adapt to changing conditions, which facilitates smooth teamwork and overcomes challenges in collaborative healthcare environments. 4. What components of collaborative practice do you foresee being more challenging for you? - When team members differ in their perspectives or priorities, maintaining interdisciplinary collaboration can be challenging. The task of navigating power dynamics and hierarchies within healthcare teams can also be challenging, as respecting and listening to everyone's voice requires diplomacy and assertiveness.
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