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Apr 3, 2024





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41 The Indian Removal Act, which authorized removal of Indian tribes to locations west of the Mississippi river, was authored and signed by: Your Answer: Correct Answer: Andrew Jackson Justification: Andrew Jackson was well known for his hatred of the Native Americans, and he signed into law the Indian Removal Actin 1830, 42 How many states seceded during the Civil War? Your Answer: Correct Answer 1 Justificatio 11 States seceded during the Civil War. There were 3 more states that were also slave states, but did not secede, although they aided the South in the war. 43 In the 17th century, a rebellion left a merchant leader in charge of New York, by the name of: Your Answer: Correct Answer: Jacob Leisler Justificatio Jacob Leisier was a German American merchant who led a rebellion against the British governor of New York. He successfully seized the city for several years, but royal authority was restored in 1691 and he was later executed, 44 ‘The Pilgrims left England due to prosecution from the Catholic church, and were members of what religion? Your Answer: Correct Answer Protestant The Pilgrims were members of a group called the Puritans, which adhered to the Protestant fath (il Christianity). However, Protestant views differed significantly from the Catholic views held by the Church in England, and they eventuall left for the new world to free themselves from religious oppression. 45 William Lioyd Garrison published an abolitionist newspaper promoting "Immediate and complete emancipation of all slaves" in the U.S. called Your Answer: Correct Answer: ‘The Liberator Justification: ‘Wiliam Lioyd Garrison published an abolitionist newspaper, The Liberator, that ran from 1831 to 1866. It received national attention due 1o its coverage of abolitionist movements and unwavering calis for all slaves to be freed.
46 ‘The Quaker religion started in the 1640's in which country? Your answer: | J Correct Answer: England Justification: The Quaker religion started in England, and was started due to the thought that i was possibie to know Christ even without a church and clergymen. They were heavily prosecuted in England, resulting in their eventual immigration to the 13 colonies. 47 The Emancipation Proclamation was signed by President Lincoln in: Your Answer: | Correct Answer: 1863 Justification: The Emancipation Proclamation freed all ofthe siaves in the rebelling states, and was signed into action in 1863. 48 @ territory purchased from Russia? Your Answer: | Correct Answer: 1867 Justification: | Alaska, was purchased from the Russians in 1867 for the sum of $7,200,000. Called ‘Seward's Folly" after Willam Seward who brokered the deal and mocked as a bad investment, future oil and mineral discoveries made Alaska worth far more than the U.S. originally paid for it 49 Which of the following countries never had a claim on the Oregon Territory? Your Answer: Correct Answer: France Justification: Many countries have claimed the Oregon Terrtory, including Spain, Russia, Great Brtain, and the United States. Spain relinquished its caim in 1819, and Russia eventually acknowledged that ts claim 10the Alaska territory cid not reach as far as Oregon. 50 Early English colonies In the Americas primarily produced what crop to sell in England? Your Answer: Correct Answer: Tobacco Justification: Tobaoco was the first cash crop of the Americas, athough later cotton demand increased as well Most of the early colonies focused on growing 10bacco s an export back to Europe.
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