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NAME: ____________________________ DATE: ____________________________ AMH 2020 Mid-Term Exam True/False Questions: 1. According to the authors of out text, one factor in the revolutions in American industry occurring in the post– Civil War era was technological innovations and national investments which slashed the costs of production and distribution. True 2. The modern corporation itself was created after the Civil War based on new state incorporation laws passed during the last 25 years of the nineteenth century and became a legal mechanism for nearly any enterprise to marshal vast amounts of capital while limiting the liability of shareholders. False 3. In 1859, British naturalist Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution through natural selection, On the Origin of Species , and personally advocated that evolutionary theory be applied to manage and improve hu- man populations. false 4. The bloodshed inherent in the 1886 Haymarket Riot caused many Americans to associate unionism with radicalism and led to the eclipse of the Knights of Labor due to their association with violence and radicalism and temporarily ended the national movement for an eight-hour day. true 5. “Buffalo Bill Cody’s Wild West” was a show that only utilized “White” performers and excluded Mexican- Americans, American Indians and women from the performance. False 6. As a result of the 1890 US Census, the US Census Bureau declared the Western Frontier was slowly being settled and estimated the Frontier would disappear by 1915. false 7. According to the text, by 1880, approximately four hundred thousand men—or nearly 2.5 percent of the na- tion’s entire workforce—labored in the railroad industry. true 8. The Republican Party, beginning with the Presidential Administration of Abraham Lincoln, as a matter of policy joined State and local governments in granting vast subsidies consisting primarily of land grants and government bonds. True 9. According to the authors of our text, stronger and more organized labor unions were formed in order to pro- tect the rights of a growing, more permanent labor class. true 10. Thomas Edison was a key investor in the Standard Oil trust before embarking on a career as an inventor. false
11. In the American South, segregation and Jim Crow laws became less restrictive in the 1890’s and were all but eliminated by the Progressive movement under the leadership of President Woodrow Wilson. false 12 At the turn of the Twentieth Century, Immigration to the United States from Eastern and Southern Europe numerically surpassed Irish and German immigration. false 13. Merchants from the United States traded with China as early as 1784 True 14. US Naval operations against the Spanish forces in the Philippine Islands in 1898 were strategically driven by the United States desire for a secure trade route with China false 15. The United States deployed troops to China in 1900 as part of a multi-national force to rescue trapped for- eigners and defeat the Chinese “Boxer Rebellion”. true 16. Much of the inspiration for the Progressive Movement in the United States from 1885 to 1920, as well as a large part of its assumed moral authority, came from the evolution of the Christian-based “Social Gospel” movement. true 17. One of the most influential female-centric social and political movements of the Progressive Era was the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU). true 18. During the Progressive Era, the nascent Environmental movement was often divided between the “preser- vationists” and the “conservationists” wings of the movement. true 19. Civil Rights leaders of the Progressive Era, W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington, were in nearly total agreement to improve Negro education and restore African-American Civil Rights being curtailed in much of the United States during this period. false 20. No governmental attempt was made to regulate large businesses and corporations in the United States at the Local, State or Federal level prior to the passage of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890. false 21. At the time of the United States entry into World War I, the US Army had a comprehensive system of arse- nals and warehouses which contained stockpiles of modern equipment, as well as a trained cadre of reservists to speed war mobilization. false 22. During World War I when the US Army tested potential soldiers for intelligence, these induction tests were only given to literate conscripts and recruits. false 23. Slightly over one-third, or approximately 34%, of all conscripts drafted during the First World War were re- jected for military service, largely due to mental insufficiency, physical defects, or physiological issues. True 24. Troops from the United States Army and Marine Corps units began arriving in large numbers in early 1918 and were key in thwarting the German Spring Offensive of 1918 and were critical to the success of the Allied
counteroffensives during the late Summer and Fall of 1918. True 25. The United States joined the League of Nations following the Senate ratification of the Versailles Treaty in 1921. False 26. Warren G. Harding won the 1920 Presidential election and became twenty-ninth president of the United States by promising a “return to normalcy.” True 27. Following the elimination of wartime production and price controls, the US economy immediately took off and national unemployment fell below 3 percent. This expansion was reflected in Farmers’ bankruptcy rates, previously egregious, which fell to negligible levels in the aftermath of World War I. false 28. Warren G. Harding resigned from the Presidency in lieu of impeachment in 1923 due to the misconduct of his “Ohio gang” appointees, particularly regarding the “Teapot Dome” scandal, and was replaced by his Vice President, Calvin Coolidge. true 29. During the course of the 1920’s, two of the most culturally influential transportation icons were Henry Ford, whose Ford Model T led to the birth of the mass automobile culture, and Charles Lindbergh, whose Transat- lantic solo flight showed the future potential of air transportation. true 30. Franklin Delano Roosevelt defeated Calvin Coolidge in the 1928 Presidential election and was inaugu- rated as President of the United States in March of 1929. false 31. California, Colorado and Florida implemented border checkpoints to discourage migration and settlement of displaced farmers and agricultural workers during the “Dust Bowl”. True 32. A factor in triggering the Great Depression was the increasing demand in the late 1920’s and 1930’s for durable consumer goods such as household appliances, automobiles, consumer radios, and light aircraft. false 33. Franklin Delano Roosevelt reduced government spending and direct aid to the poor in 1933 and relied on private charity and nonprofit organizations to address individual needs of the unemployed. false 34. The United States and the British Empire entered World War II at roughly the same time. false 35. The Roosevelt Administration implemented direct employment programs for unemployed workers and youth through programs such as the Public Works Administration (PWA), the Works Progress Administration (WPA) and the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). true
36. Wendell Wilkie defeated Franklin Roosevelt in the 1940 Presidential Election due to Roosevelt’s failure to end the Great Depression false 37. One social effect of the war was the mass hiring of female labor to replace conscripted and mobilized men in business and industry, often in non-traditional roles, during the period immediately prior to and during World War II. true Multiple Choice Questions: 38. The Plains Indian tribe known as the __________________ were greatly feared by setters and violently resisted settler encroachment on their traditional lands a) Sioux, b) Comanche/Kiowa, c) Cheyenne, d) all answers are correct. 39. According to ___________________ (name) the leader of the Socialist Party of America, socialists sought “the overthrow of the capitalist system and the emancipation of the working class from wage slavery.” a) Karl Marx b) Earl Browder c) Leon Trotsky d) Eugene Debs 40. A popular derogatory term for the great financial and industrial titans of the Nineteenth Century, namely railroad operators such as Cornelius Vanderbilt, oilmen such as J. D. Rockefeller, steel magnates such as An- drew Carnegie, and bankers such as J. P. Morgan, was ______________________. a) The Chosen Few b) The Robber Barons c) The Anointed Ones d) The Malefactors of Great Wealth 41. The 1894 Pullman railroad strike was triggered when workers in George Pullman’s Pullman rail car facto- ries struck primarily due to the fact that… a) the Pullman Company cut wages by a quarter but kept rents and utilities in the company town constant. b) the Governor of Illinois send the National Guard to enforce company policies. c) the railroad operating unions’ refusal to handle Pullman equipment due to wage factors. d) the Pullman Company refused to implement an eight-hour workday. 42. According to our text, the____________________ industry and _________________ industries were key to opening the American West to economic development. a) meatpacking/military contracting b) bison hunting/agriculture c) mining/land sales, d) railroad/cattle ranching, 43. In 1887, the ________________________ Act was passed to change the nature of American Indian land ownership from a collective, Reservation-based system to an individual ownership model. a) Dawes General Allotment b) Homestead c) Military Lands d) Medicine Lodge 44. Though there would be occasional outbreaks of violence until almost the dawn of the 20 th Century, accord- ing to the authors of our text, the incident at ___________________ in response to the “Ghost Dance” move- ment in 1890 was the last major battle/massacre of the western US Indian Wars. a) Rosebud Creek b) Little Big Horn c) Wounded Knee d) Adobe Walls
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