GLB HLT In-class activity 13 1



Arizona State University *

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Health Science


Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by brianda100 on

IN-CLASS ACTIVITY 13 Handwashing with Soap in Senegal Case Study (Graded 10 Points) Full Name of Group Members: _Brianda Jimenez, Aiti Navarro, Amy Chen__ 1. Identify what type of nudges are being employed through this behavior change intervention. It is mainly educational because they are teaching them step by step on how to do things properly. Environmental since they are placing billboards and posters. Economic, they are investing in water supply sanitation. 2. Describe the role of mass-media in determining behavior changes. Influences people’s mindsets using ads and making sure it is in the back of your mind 3. Describe the role of community-level participation in determining behavior changes. The role of community level participation can influence and pressure to make these healthy choices and will lower the amount of contamination in general. 4. Describe the social and cultural influences that determine behavior changes. People tend to follow things that everyone else is doing. Especially within their culture or in the environment they are. People are more likely to wash their hand if the people around them tend to wash their hands around them often.
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