unit 2 ass



University of Houston *

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Health Science


May 4, 2024





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Cynthia Balbuena Professor Breslin Unit 2 Assignment 1.Describe a consequence of obesity that surprises you. 2.Describe the topic you plan to cover in your research question project. List your population and your outcome measures. 3.Give three examples of weight bias that you see in your everyday life. 4.List one thing you can do NOW about the childhood obesity epidemic. Obesity is associated with negative influences on different body systems, including reproductive health. Obese women have higher chances of having hormonal imbalances, increased risk of miscarriage, poor egg quality and negative impact on the uterus. Estrogen is produced by fat cells. An increase in body fat leads to overproduction of estrogen. Estrogen is known as a sex hormone that regulates the menstrual cycle, skin, reproductive and urinary tract, etc. Disruption of estrogen and progesterone balance can lead to irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation which makes it harder to conceive. I think its very alarming how obesity affects a women’s ability to conceive and hold a child. An excess amount of body fat not only increases the likelihood of having a miscarriage but creates an imbalance of hormones. This is a topic I would like to cover for my research project. I am still narrowing down options; however, I would like to discuss how obesity affects the likelihood of conceiving a child. I would go more in depth, but that is a generalized idea of what I would like to research. My population would be the Latina community and I would measure the outcomes by creating a survey that asks about gestational diabetes, issues with producing breastmilk, and other factors. Weight bias, also known as weight discrimination, can be manifested in everyday life in many ways. This can include media portrayals, employment discrimination, gym community, and negative stereotypes. These negative stereotypes can create an assumption that an individual is lazy, lacks self-control all based on their weight. The media often portrays overweight individuals in a negative lens. They use negative stereotypes and promote body standards that are not always obtainable for the average person. If a person does not meet the body standards set by this industry, they are seen in bad light. It is important to address the obesity epidemic within children. This can be achieved through improving access to healthier foods, promoting physical activity, limiting access to processed and high fat and sugar foods, as well as creating a positive environment for the child will allow for a decrease in childhood obesity.
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